What is the root of the quadratic equation of two variables

What is the root of the quadratic equation of two variables

The root of this equation is: 5 plus 3 times root 2 or 5 minus 3 times root 2

What are the 15 words of Y

activity opportunity fly study buy discovery prosperity possibility responsibility facility theory mystery ability fairy

If 3x + 1 and 3y-4 are opposite numbers, then x + y is equal to?

Opposite numbers
The sum is 0
That is, 3x + 1 + 3y-4 = 0

Translation of Chinese phrases into English
A whole sentence translation,
Content: Xiao Ming got up, had breakfast quickly, and then went to school

Xiao Ming got up and had a quick breakfast ,then went to school.

If we know that △ ABC and △ def are congruent, BC = 12cm, and the area of △ ABC is 36 square cm, then the height of edge EF in △ DEF is?


Is the predicate after every girl and every boy singular?

Singular number
When and connects several singular subjects, the subject is modified by each, every, no, many a, etc
For example: every boy and girl is invited
All the boys and girls were invited
Each boy and each girl is invited.
Every boy and every girl are invited
No boy and no girl is there now.
There are no boys or girls there now

If a, B and C are all odd numbers, then the quadratic equation AX2 + BX + C = 0 (a ≠ 0) has no rational root

Let the equation have a rational number root M / N (m, n are coprime integers). Then a (M / N) ^ 2 + B (M / N) + C = 0, that is, an ^ 2 + BMN + cm ^ 2 = 0. If M and N are classified into odd and even numbers, ∵ m, n are coprime, and they can not be even numbers

put the seeds in the

Put the seeds in the soil

There is a round flower bed in the park, and its perimeter is 12.56 meters. The area of this flower bed is less than square meters? If you want to spread it around the flower bed
How many square meters is the area of a one meter wide path?

There is a round flower bed in the park, its circumference is 12.56 meters
What is the floor area of this flower bed?
Radius 12.56 △ 3.14 △ 2 = 2m
Area: 3.14 × 2 × 2 = 12.56 square meters
If you want to pave a 1 meter wide path around the flower bed, how many square meters is the area of the path?
Outer radius 2 + 1 = 3M
Area 3.14 × (3 × 3-2 × 2) = 3.14 × 5 = 15.7 square meters

The homonym of "who", the antonym of "remember", and the synonym of "speak"

Who's the homonym of the word "who"
The antonym of remember is forget
Talk, say