What is the complement of binary decimal-0.0110? Urgent, urgent, urgent

What is the complement of binary decimal-0.0110? Urgent, urgent, urgent

Convert to binary first

Retransfer inverse code

Complement again

Let a and B be nonnegative real numbers, and prove that a ^ 3 + B ^ 3 ≥ √ (AB) · (a ^ 2 + B ^ 2)

Let f (x) be defined on the open interval I, I, and the point (x0, f (x0)) be the inflection point of the curve y = f (x), then there must be ()
A. On both sides of the point (x0, f (x0)), the curve y = f (x) is concave or convex
B. When xX0, the curve y = f (x) is a convex (or concave) arc
D. When x > x0, f (x)
You're wrong

Inflection point:
On a continuous function, the dividing point between the upper concave arc and the lower concave arc is called the inflection point on the curve
B. When xX0, the curve y = f (x) is a convex (or concave) arc

2x+y+z=2 x+2y+z=4 x+y+2z=6

2x+y+z=2 (1)
x+2y+z=4 (2)
x+y+2z=6 (3)
x+y+z=3 (4)

In Cartesian coordinate system, given points a (4,0), B (0,3), if a right triangle is congruent with RT △ ABO, and they have a common edge, please write out the unknown vertex coordinates of the triangle (do not need to write the calculation process). (hint: consider the three cases of Ao, Bo, AB being the common edge respectively)

As shown in the figure, if AB is the common edge, there are three answers (72259625), (4,3), (2825, - 2125); if Bo is the common edge, there are two answers (- 4,3) and (- 4,0); if Ao is the common edge, there are two answers (0, - 3) and (4, - 3)

12: How to solve the equation with x = 2 / 9:0.9


Let vector groups A1, A2, A3 be linearly independent, and prove that vector groups a1 + 2A3, A2-A3, a1 + 2A2 are linearly related,

I can see their linear relationship directly
I give a general proof that I can't see
It is proved that (a1 + 2A3, A2-A3, a1 + 2A2) = (A1, A2, A3) K
Where k=
1 0 1
0 1 2
2 -1 0
Since A1, A2 and A3 are linearly independent, R (a1 + 2A3, A2-A3, a1 + 2A2) = R (k)
Because | K | = 0
So r (a1 + 2A3, A2-A3, a1 + 2A2) = R (k)

Using dichotomy to find a real root of equation x3-x-1 = 0 in [1,1.5], accurate to 0.1


Let Sn be the sum of the first n terms of the arithmetic sequence {an}, if S9 / S5 = 9 / 5, then A5 / A3=

∴ S9/S5=9a5/5a3=9/5
∴ a5/a3=1

The decreasing interval of function x2 + 2 (m-1) x + 2 is less than or equal to - 2 and this function is a decreasing function on less than or equal to - 2. What is the difference between the value of M?

The decreasing interval is less than or equal to - 2, indicating that the axis of symmetry x = - (m-1) = - 2, M = 3
This function is a decreasing function on less than or equal to - 2, which means that the axis of symmetry is on the right side of x = - 2, that is - (m-1) > = - 2, and M is obtained