Square of 12 (x + y) + square of 11 (x + y) (X-Y) + 2 (X-Y) Factorization

Square of 12 (x + y) + square of 11 (x + y) (X-Y) + 2 (X-Y) Factorization

Answer: the answer: the square of 12 (x + y) is the square of 12 (12 (x + y) and the square of 11 (x + y) (X-Y) (X-Y) + 2 (X-Y) is the square of 12 (x + y) and the square of 11 (x + y) (X-Y) + 2 (X-Y) + (12 (x + y) square of 11 (x + y) (X-Y) (X-Y) + 2 (X-Y) is 12 (x + y) and (12 (x + y) + (12 (x + y) + (12 (x + y) (x + y) (x + y) (x + y) (x (x + y) (x + y) (x + y) (x (x + y) (x) (x + y) (x + y) (X-Y) (x (X-Y) (X-Y) (X-Y) (X-Y) (X-Y) (x) (X-Y) (X-Y) (X-Y) (X-Y) (X-Y) (X-Y) (X-Y) (X-Y) + ((2)

X minus one part of x minus 2 = 0 1. Find the value of x square + one part of x square 2. Find the value of X quartic = one part of X quartic

X minus 1 / x minus 2 = 0
Two sides square
Square the two sides again
The fourth power of X + 2 + 1 / x = 36
The fourth power of X + the fourth power of 1 / x = 34

The fruit shop sold two baskets of apples with the same unit price, the first one was 18 kg, and the second one was 24 kg. It is known that the first one bought 44.4 yuan less than the second one, and these two baskets of apples were sold
How much is it per kilogram?
Fang Chengjie

Set X yuan per kilogram of apples,

Given vectors I = (1,0), j = (0,1), let the unit vector in the same direction as 2I + J be e, and the angle θ between vector j-3i and vector I, then the following statement is correct

This question should be B. please ask me if you need an explanation

Two cars drive from a to B at the same time. Car a travels 80 kilometers per hour and car B 120 kilometers per hour
When the car runs 200 kilometers more than the car a, the car a just runs 40% of the whole journey?

Car B travels 40 kilometers more per hour than car a
It takes 200 / 40 = 5 hours to drive 200 km more
At this time, car a has traveled 5x80 = 400 km
400 / 0.4 = 1000 km
The distance from a to B is 1000 kilometers

F (x) = 6sin ^ 2-2cos ^ 2x + 8sin xcosx 1. Find the maximum value of F (x) 2. Triangle ABC, a acute angle, f (a) = 6, area 3, B + C = 2 + 3 radical 2. Find B, C

1. Maximum = 2 + 4 √ 2
2. F (a) = 6, a acute angle
So 6 = 2-4 √ 2cos (2a + π / 4)
So a = π / 4
Using sine theorem
B + C = 2 + 3 √ 2
B = 2, C = 3 √ 2 or B = 3 √ 2, C = 2

Car a runs 30 kilometers at 20 minutes and car B 255 kilometers at 3 hours. Which car is fast?
It requires a solution,

First unified time: 20 minutes = 1 / 3 hour
Speed of car a: 30 △ 1 / 3 = 90 km / h
Vehicle B: 255 △ 3 = 85 km / h
So car a is fast

30 sheep killed in 7 days, kill single can not kill double, how to kill?
If there is no answer to this, please let me know

There must be no answer
Seven days is an odd number, and every day you have to kill an odd number
The sum of odd numbers is still odd, and there are 30 even numbers
So it's impossible

Wang Hua gave Zhang Ming eight exercise books, and the interest books of the two people were the same. After Zhang Ming gave Wang Hua eight exercise books, Zhang Ming's exercise books were the same

Set Wang Hua's original X and Zhang Ming's original y
It can be seen from the question:
It can be concluded that x = 56
Wang Hua originally had 56 books

Given that there is a point a (2,0) on the curve y = 2x-x & # 178, the equation of tangent at point a is obtained

The tangent is y = - 2 (X-2)
That is y = - 2x + 4