The case of 2x + y = 4 / 3,6x + 3Y = 4 solution

The case of 2x + y = 4 / 3,6x + 3Y = 4 solution

The two equations are the same. There are countless solutions. All solutions satisfying the following equation are OK. The set of all solutions is a straight line

If 2x-y = 3, then 1 + 6x-3y=


1. Given the domain of F (x) as [1,3], find the domain of F (2x-3). 2. Let the domain of F (2x + 1) [- 3,5], find the domain of F (x)


Give me ten approximations. When do I need approximations in my life?
Ten approximations?

The results show that √ 2 ≈ 1.414, π ≈ 3.1415, 10 / 3 ≈ 3.33, 1-1 / 3 ≈ 0.667, 21 / 19 ≈ 1.105, 1 / 10 ^ 20 ≈ 0, π ^ 2 ≈ 9.87, 1GB ≈ 10 ^ 6KB, sun earth distance 149597870km ≈ 1.5 × 10 ^ 8km, earth radius 6371.004 km ≈ 6.4 × 10 ^ 3km

There's a dress. The original price is 100 yuan. First the price is increased by 10%, then the price is reduced by 10%. What's the current price of this dress

99 100*1.1*0.9=99

For a fraction, the reduced fraction is 5 / 9. If the numerator of the original fraction is added with 10, the reduced fraction is 7 / 9. What is the original fraction

Let the original fraction 5x / 9x, (5x + 10) / 9x = 7 / 9, x = 5, and the original fraction is 25 / 45

1. Calculate 5A / (6a ^ 2C) - 7b / (12ac ^ 2) + 11C / 8A ^ 2B
2. Calculate [y / (x ^ 2-xy) + X (y ^ 2-xy)] / (XY)
3. Calculate {(B-C) / [(a-b) (A-C)]} + {(A-C) / [(B-A) (B-C)]} + {(a-b) / [(C-A) (C-B)]}
4. Given 3x / (x ^ 2-1) = A / (x + 1) + B / (x-1), find the value of a and B

(1) 5a/(6a^2c)-7b/(12ac^2)+11c/8a^2b =(20abc-14a^2b+33c^3)/(24a^2bc^2) (2) [y/(x^2-xy)+x(y^2-xy)]/(xy) =((y^2-x^2)/(xy(x-y))/(xy) =-(x+y)/(x^2y^2) (3) {(b-c)/[(a-b)(a-c)]}+{(a-c)/[(b-a)(b-c)]}+{(a-b)/...

If the price of a commodity is 14.8 yuan, the price is? Yuan


Number 130340023 keep three significant numbers and use scientific notation to express "yes"?

The significant number starts with the first non-zero number

1. The sum of a two digit number is 11. If the ten digit number is interchanged with the one digit number, the new number will be 45 larger than the original number
2. There are 98 students in class A and class B, 95 students in class B and class C, and 99 students in class A and class C in Grade 7
In this paper, a set of linear equations with two variables is presented

If one digit is x, then ten digit is 11-x,
I can't work out the result. The original two digit number is 10 * (11-x) + X
If one digit is x, then ten digit is y,
2: There are x people in class A and y people in class B
The total number of three classes is 95 + X