(x fourth power + 4 * x third power + 8x square - 16 * x-48) / (x square + 4x + 12)

(x fourth power + 4 * x third power + 8x square - 16 * x-48) / (x square + 4x + 12)

X ^ 4 + 4 * x ^ 3 + 8 * x ^ 2-16 * x-48 decomposition factor is: (X-2) * (x + 2) * (x ^ 2 + 4 * x + 12), so the answer is: (X-2) * (x + 2)

Given x-2x = 2, find the value of the fourth power of x-4 to the third power + the second power of 6 to the third power of 4x
Find x ^ 4 6 ^ 2-4 ^ 3-4x ^ 3

The fourth power of X - the third power of 4x + the second power of 6x - 4x
=(the fourth power of X - 2x & # 179;) - (2x & # 179; - 4x & # 178;) + (2x & # 178; - 4x)
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It is known that rational numbers a and B satisfy the polynomial a. a = (A-1) X5 + x|b + 2 | - 2x2 + BX + B, which is a quadratic trinomial of X. when x < - 7, it is reduced to | x-a | + | x-b|

A = (A-1) X5 + X | B + 2 | - 2x2 + BX + B is a quadratic trinomial about X, A-1 = 0, the solution is a = 1. When | B + 2 | = 2, the solution is b = 0, then a is not a quadratic trinomial; when | B + 2 | = 1, the solution is b = - 1 or B = - 3, when | B + 2 | = 0, the solution is b = - 2, when a = 1, B = - 1

When x = 2 or x = 3, the value of polynomial q = x ^ 4 + ax ^ 3 + 32x ^ 2 + BX + 66 is 0. Try to find the quotient and remainder of polynomial Q divided by x ^ 2-5x + 6


Seeking 100 practical problems in grade three of primary school
100 application questions, to be very simple, the number of words is very small! Good words will add points, if not enough, but very simple words I only give half points

1. 125 apple trees are planted in an orchard, and the number of pear trees is 20 less than 4 times of apple trees. How many trees are planted in this orchard?
2. A section of road is 324 meters long, 240 meters have been repaired, and the rest is planned to be completed in 4 hours. How many meters per hour on average?
3. Hongguang printing company bound a batch of diary books. 960 diary books were bound in the first three days, and 420 diary books were bound in the last 16 days on average?
4. A typist can input 200 Chinese characters in 4 minutes. How many minutes does it take to input 3000 Chinese characters?
5. Three bags of flour weigh 75 kg. How many kg does eight bags of flour weigh?
6. A steel plant needs 5 tons of water to make 750 kg of steel. According to this calculation, the steel plant can save 55 tons of domestic water a day. How many kg of steel can be made?
7.5 boxes of bees can brew 375 kg of honey a year. According to this calculation, how many kg of honey can 19 boxes of bees brew a year? How many boxes of bees need to be raised to brew 1725 kg of honey a year?
8. Two grade students go to buy books. There are 48 students in the third grade, each of whom buys 2 books. In the fourth grade, each of whom buys 3 books. The total number of books bought in the fourth grade is the same as that in the third grade. How many people buy books in the fourth grade?
9. Forty workers were originally planned to build roads, but 45 workers were actually used. It was planned to build roads for 90 days, but how many days did it actually take?
10. It takes 20 minutes for Xiaohua to walk home from school and 10 minutes for him to ride a bicycle. How many meters does Xiaohua walk 45 meters per minute, and how many meters does he ride a bicycle?
11. The school bought 15 boxes of colored chalk, 50 sticks in each box, and used 10 boxes. How many sticks are left unused?
12. The first, second and third workshops of Haitian Machinery Factory each produced 6 cases of parts, 120 parts per case. How many parts are produced in total?
13. One loom weaves 21 meters in one hour, and how many meters do four identical looms weave in five hours?
14. The bus goes from Nanjing to Shanghai, 60 kilometers per hour, half of the whole journey in three hours. Because one person on the bus is ill, the rest of the journey takes two hours. How many kilometers per hour on average?
15. Master Liu processed 4255 parts in 23 days, Wang
On average, Master Liu processes 18 more parts per day than Master Liu. How many parts does Master Wang process per day?
16. A cow of Uncle Li's family eats 50 kg of grass in 10 days. According to this calculation, how many days does 155 kg of grass suffice for this cow?
17. There are 18 cruise ships in the Lakeside Park, and the daily income is 1008 yuan. According to this calculation, there are 26 cruise ships now, how much yuan will the daily income increase?
18. The factory has to process 360 parts, and Xiao Wang can finish it in 5 days. How many parts can be processed in 8 days with this speed?
19. Mingming read a story book, 20 pages a day, half of the book in five days. How many pages is the book?
20. The teacher bought 6 pens. The price of the pen is 3 times that of the ballpoint pen. The price of a ballpoint pen is 2 yuan. How many yuan did the teacher buy the pen?
21. The first workshop of agricultural machinery factory is divided into three groups to process 3420 parts, with 12 workers in each group. How many parts does each worker process on average? (solved by two methods)
22. The factory rented 10 cars to transport 480 tons of goods, and each car transported 12 times. How many tons of goods are transported by each car on average?
23. Woodpeckers can eat 645 pests a day and frogs can eat 608 pests in eight days. How many more pests do woodpeckers eat than frogs?
24. A pile of coal is 160 tons, and four trucks transport 96 tons three times. According to this calculation, how many times can four trucks transport this pile of coal?
25. The engineering team plans to pave a road 90 meters a day, which can be completed in 20 days. In fact, it only takes 18 days, how many meters a day on average?
Thinking questions:
1. When Qiang Qiang was 8 years old, his father was 32 years old. When his father was twice as old as Qiang Qiang, how old was his father?
1. There are four classes in the third grade of a school. They donate 576 yuan for the disabled, with an average of 3 yuan per person. How many people are there in each class? 2. Build a 324 meter long road, 240 meters in the first eight hours, and the rest 21 meters per hour. How many hours will it take to finish it? 3. It costs 15 yuan to order a TV program newspaper for half a year. Uncle Zhang wants to subscribe to the TV program newspaper for three quarters, How much does it cost? Cable TV maintenance costs 16 yuan per month, and how much does it cost for the whole year? 4. A pile of coal is planned to burn 45 kg per day for 32 days. Due to saving coal, it actually burns 36 days, and how many kg per day?
1. The road repair team has completed 300 meters of a 1500 meter long highway, and the rest will be completed in six days. How many meters per day on average?
2. One lap of the track is 400 meters. Uncle Wang runs two and a half laps every day. How many meters does he run every day?
3. Xiaoli walks about 5 decimeters in one step. She walks 540 steps from home to school. How many meters does it take from home to school?
4. Lanlan is 134cm tall, Dongdong is 5cm higher than Lanlan. How many cm is Dongdong?
5. There are 257 boys and 235 girls in the third grade of Honglingjin primary school. There are 387 who have physical examination. How many people have no physical examination?
6. The library has lent 456 books, 207 of which are left. Now it has returned 285. How many books are there in the library?
7. Red scarf primary school bought 380 leather balls, 70 football balls and lent 423 balls during extracurricular activities. How many balls are left in the school now?
8. After class 3 (2) donated 400 books, there are 273 left, and now 125 books have been bought. How many books do class 3 (2) have?
9. Dongdong wants to buy a 310 yuan scooter and has saved 200 yuan. If he saves 30 yuan a month, how many more months will be enough?
10. The students of Dongfanghong primary school donated 900 books for the hope project, including 326 story books, 475 science and technology books, and the rest are comic books. How many comic books are there?
11. The side length of a square is 8 cm. If you increase its side length by 10 cm, how many cm does its perimeter increase?
12. The perimeter of a rectangular playground is 400 meters, and the length is three times the width. How many meters are the length and width of the playground?
13. There are two identical rectangles, 8 decimeters long and 4 decimeters wide. If you put them together into a rectangle, how many decimeters is the circumference of the rectangle? If you put them together into a square, how many decimeters is the circumference of the square?
14. Dongdong borrowed 40 pages of a science and technology book and returned it a week later. He is going to read 6 pages a day. Can he return it on time?
15. There are 44 students in class 3 (2). The teacher is going to divide them into 8 groups to discuss. How many people can each group be divided into? How many people are left?
16. Five vests of the same size can be cut with a length of 4 meters. How much cloth does it take to make a vest?
17. A small elephant weighs 4 tons. How many elephants can be transported at most at one time by a large truck with a load of 10 tons?
18. Red flag chain store originally sold 632 bags of dried bottles, sold 385 bags and transported 200 bags. How many bags of dried bottles are there at this time?
19. The school bought 810 exercise books, 168 for grade one and 165 for grade two. How many are left?
20. There were 116 people in the No. 10 carriage of a train. After arriving at a station, 58 people got off the train and 45 people got on the train?
21, a VCD to 238 yuan, a scanner to 458 yuan, Dad took 800 yuan. Enough?
22. Uncle Zhang beat 700 Jin of fish, sold 523 Jin in the morning and 394 Jin less in the afternoon
(1) How many catties did you sell in the afternoon? (2) how many catties did you sell in this day? (3) how many catties are left?
23. Xiao Ming and his elder sister go to the bookstore together. It costs 87 yuan for his elder sister to buy an English Dictionary and 24 yuan for Xiao Ming to buy a science and technology book. My elder sister pays 150 yuan to the cashier. How much should I get back?
24. Make a frame for a picture 30 cm long and 26 cm wide. What is the circumference of the frame at least?
25. Make a big rectangle with two rectangles 4cm long and 3cm wide. What is the circumference of the big rectangle?
26. The playground of Xiangyang primary school is a rectangle, 100 meters long and 65 meters wide. Xiaoqiang ran two laps around the playground. How many meters did Xiaoqiang run in total?
27. There are 31 students and 2 teachers. Each boat is limited to 4 people. How many boats should we hire at least?
28. A pair of Chinese chess costs 16 yuan, a pair of checkers costs 12 yuan, and a pair of go costs three times the sum of a pair of Chinese chess and a pair of checkers?
29. The students proposed to donate 400 books to the "hand in hand" school. From grade one to grade six, they each donated 58 books. How many more books do they have to donate to reach 400?
30. Plant trees in spring. 12 trees are planted in the fifth grade and 16 in the sixth grade. The number of trees planted in the whole school is three times of that in the fifth and sixth grades. How many trees are planted in the whole school?
31. There were 30 students, and another 15 came. How many lines can these students line up in a row of five?
32. Make a square with a 36 cm iron wire. How long is the side of the square?
33. A rope is 25 meters long. Cut off 10 meters first, and make a short skipping rope every two meters. How many short skipping ropes can be made and how many meters are left?
34. Cut a piece of rectangular paper 36 cm long and 18 cm wide into two largest squares. What is the circumference of one of the squares?
35. Five times of a rope is 45 meters, and one wire is seven times of the rope. How long is the wire?
36. To build a 945 meter Road, 354 meters in the first month, 276 meters in the second month, and how many meters in the third month?
37. The supermarket sells 153 kg of rice in the morning and 56 bags more in the afternoon than in the morning. How many bags of rice do you sell this day?
38. The fruit store returned 54 baskets of fruits, of which 48 baskets were apples and the rest were pears. How many times are the baskets of apples more than pears?
39. How many kilometers can a car travel in four hours?
40. The feeding group raised 32 white rabbits and 26 black rabbits. The total number of grey rabbits raised was 18 less than that of white rabbits. How many grey rabbits will be raised?
41. A road has been built by the road repair team for 550 meters, and the rest is four times as much as what has been built. How many meters are left? How many meters is the total length of the road?
42. There are 42 oil stamps and Fangfang stamps