Looking for a composition < I learned Chinese from × > (about 400 to 500 words) fast, urgent!

Looking for a composition < I learned Chinese from × > (about 400 to 500 words) fast, urgent!

Just entered the golden autumn October, and then to meet us is the National Day golden week. But my parents are busy outside, afraid that they can't take care of me, they pushed me to my grandparents. But in my hometown, in addition to TV, I can hardly find anything to relieve my boredom. Every day I live like this - it's not that my grandparents don't love me, it's just that he

If the square of X - 5x + 4-A = - 2x + X-1, then a=


What is the relationship between linear algebraic matrix A and a *

A * means its adjoint matrix. A * a * = |a|e

Eight students organized their own spring outings, and the expenses were shared by the participants. Later, two students took part, and the expenses remained unchanged. In this way, each student shared 3 yuan less, and the cost equation was solved


And lim (x → 0 + 0) (root (1-cosx) / SiNx) =?
LIM (n →∞) (1 + 1 / N) ^ (n + m) = (M belongs to n)

After learning two important limits, this section will be finished
One is that when x tends to 0, (SiNx / x) tends to 1
The other is that (1 + 1 / N) ^ n tends to e when n tends to be positive ∞

The following formulas can be calculated with the square difference formula ()
A. (2a+b)(2b-a)B. (x+1)(-x-1)C. (-m-n)(-m+n)D. (3x-y)(-3x+y)

A. B, D are not square difference formula; C, (- m-n) (- M + n) = (- M) 2-n2, so C is correct; so choose: C

English translation
"Some people like summer, while some people like winter. But no matter what season people like, too high or too low temperature will make people uncomfortable."

Some people like the summer while some others like the winter.However ,no matter what season does people like,It makes people feel uncomfortable either too hot or too cold.

How many Mu is 50000 square meters?

1 mu = 60 square feet = 6000 square feet, 1 mu = 666.6 square meters
50000 square meters = 75 Mu

1 + ^ 1 + x ^ 2 + x ^ 3 = 0 find the value of X + x ^ 2 + x ^ 3 +. + x ^ 2000

=-1+0+0+…… +0=-1

What does the middle of two English words mean?

&It means that two words are in parallel