What is the answer to the general form of the quadratic equation of one variable (2x-1) - 7 = x?

What is the answer to the general form of the quadratic equation of one variable (2x-1) - 7 = x?

(2x-1) &# 178; - 7 = x complete square
(4x + 3) = 0 or (X-2) = 0
X = - 4 / 3 or x = 2

How to do 2x square + X-5 = 0? More specific, thank you
Why do you do this


Square of (2x-5) - (X-2) = 0

Square of (2x-5) - (X-2) = 0
3x-7 = 0 or x-3 = 0
x1=7/3 x2=3

According to the rule of 2, 5, 11 and 23, what number should I fill in () in this paper?
Just fill in 47

2 5 11 23 47
5-2=3 11-5=6 23-11=12 47-23=24
3, 6, 12 and 24, the latter number is twice the former number

Can 2006 be written as the sum of n (n ≥ 3) continuous natural numbers? If not, please explain the reason. If yes, please write down 2 expressions and explain the reason

If 2006 can be written as the sum of N consecutive natural numbers, let the first number be m,
Then these numbers are: m, M + 1, M + 2 M + n-1 (total N numbers),
There are m + (M + 1) + (M + 2) + (M + 3) + +(m+n-1)=2006
That is n * m + n * (n-1) / 2 = 2006
Where N and m are all integers, n * m is an integer, and N * (n-1) / 2 is also an integer, then the condition can be satisfied when n takes an appropriate number
If n = 4, then M = 500, that is 500 + 501 + 502 + 503 = 2006
If n = 17, then M = 110, that is 110 + 111 + 112 + +126=2006
Another is that n = 59 and M = 5 also satisfy the condition
Only these three conditions are satisfied

Calculation formula of sliding friction
Force F to press an object with a mass of 1kg on a vertical wall, f = 50N, and the direction is perpendicular to the wall. If the object slides at a constant speed, what is the friction force on the object? What are the dynamic friction factors? (solution)

∵ objects slide at a constant speed
In the vertical direction, the resultant force is zero
That is, f = g = 1kg × 9.8n/kg = 9.8N
And ∵ f = μ n
The positive pressure n is equal to F

Fill in 2, 3, 6, 5, 10, 7, (), ()

2、3、6、5、10、7、(14 )、(9 )
Odd digit, + 4
Even digit, + 2

Given that the product of two natural numbers is 36 and the least common multiple is 120, how many are these two numbers?
Please help me calculate, I think this topic is wrong!

: given that the product of two natural numbers is 36 and the least common multiple is 120, how many are these two numbers
Wrong, absolutely wrong!
If two numbers are reciprocal, their least common multiple is their product. It is impossible that the least common multiple of two numbers is greater than their product

What is the third root of 32?
Such as the title

The third root of 32 = 2 * (the third root of 4)

169 * 10 and 10 / 13

169 * 10 and 10 / 13