Relationship between acceleration direction and displacement direction of simple harmonic motion According to the formula F = - KX, f = ma, it can be concluded that the acceleration direction of simple harmonic motion is always opposite to the displacement direction. But when the object moves to the leftmost or rightmost end, the restoring force is toward the equilibrium point, so the next moment's displacement is also toward the equilibrium point. According to the acceleration direction of F = ma, it is not consistent with the displacement direction. Thank you

Relationship between acceleration direction and displacement direction of simple harmonic motion According to the formula F = - KX, f = ma, it can be concluded that the acceleration direction of simple harmonic motion is always opposite to the displacement direction. But when the object moves to the leftmost or rightmost end, the restoring force is toward the equilibrium point, so the next moment's displacement is also toward the equilibrium point. According to the acceleration direction of F = ma, it is not consistent with the displacement direction. Thank you

"Then the next moment's displacement is also toward the equilibrium point." you are wrong. The positive direction of the displacement of simple harmonic motion is from the equilibrium point to the position of the object, while the positive direction of acceleration is from the position of the object to the equilibrium position, so the direction of displacement and acceleration is always opposite

A 32 cm long rectangular iron sheet, four corners of each cut off the side length of four cm square iron sheet, and then make a uncovered iron box, the volume of the iron box is 1920 cubic centimeters, then how many square centimeters is the area of this iron sheet

Let the width be x, then the volume of the tin box = (32-4-4) × (x-4-4) × 4 = 1920
The solution is x = 28

What's the difference between average speed and average speed?

The average velocity is defined as the ratio of the displacement over a period of time to the time taken for the displacement to occur
The average speed is defined as the ratio of the distance in a period of time to the time taken to experience the distance
For example, if you run around the playground, the displacement is zero and the average speed is zero, but the distance is not zero and the average speed is not zero
Note that the speed is the size of the speed, but the average speed is not the size of the average speed

If the bottom radius of the cone is 3cm and its side view is semicircle, then the generatrix length of the cone is?

14 × 3 = 6 π (CM)
The bus length is 6 π / π = 6 (CM)
Answer: the generatrix length of the cone is 6cm

Choose the correct answer and fill in the blanks in brackets
A. Let's compare B. with C
1. The bow and the boatman are up, like a crescent moon hanging in the sky. They are flexible, like a water snake in a ditch
2. Their flowers are not raised in the house like in China. They plant them outside the window
The boat in Venice is twenty or thirty feet long, narrow and deep, a bit like a canoe
We are sitting in the cabin, the leather cushion is soft as sofa


The perimeter ratio of the big circle and the small circle is 5:3. It is known that the area difference between the two circles is 32 square centimeters. What are the areas of the two circles?

The perimeter ratio of the big and small circles is 5:3, so the radius ratio is also 5:3
The area ratio is equal to the ratio of squares, which is 25:9
So the area of the great circle is 2 × 25 = 50 square centimeters
Small circle area = 50-32 = 18 square centimeter
If satisfied, please accept

The area formula of prism
The surface area formula of hexagonal prism

Regular prism? How many prism? Side area formula? Or other, specifically
Take a regular prism as an example,
Suppose that the bottom edges of the regular prism are A1, A2, A3... An, and the height of the prism is h,
The lateral area is: (a1 + A2 + a3 +... + an) * H

Given chord length and chord height, how to calculate arc length? Chord length 118,

Given the chord length and chord height, how to calculate the arc length C? Chord length L = 118, chord height h = 21. The arc radius is r, and the center angle of the arc is A.R ^ 2 = (R-H) ^ 2 + (L / 2) ^ 2R ^ 2 = R ^ 2-2 * r * H + H ^ 2 + L ^ 2 / 42 * r * H = H ^ 2 + L ^ 2 / 4R = H / 2 + L ^ 2 / (8 * h) = 21 / 2 + 118 ^ 2 / (8 * 21) = 93.381a = 2 * arc sin ((L / 2) / R) = 2

On a summation problem,


Who knows the meaning of the poem "berthing a boat in Guazhou"
Who knows the meaning of the poem and the author's thoughts and feelings?

Jingkou and Guazhou are only a distance of water, and Zhongshan is only separated by several green mountains. Oh, the gentle spring breeze has green the South Bank of the river, but the bright moon in the sky, when will you be able to shine me home?
Expressed thoughts and feelings: hope to resign as soon as possible and return home