X quartic power - 8x & # 178; Y & # 178; + 16y quartic power

X quartic power - 8x & # 178; Y & # 178; + 16y quartic power

The original formula = (X & # 178; - 4Y & # 178;) &# 178;

Simplification: 1. X & # 178; / (x + y) - x + y 2.24x quartic Y / a △ 8x & # 178; Y & # 178; y = # 178; y = # 178; y = # 178; y = # 178; y = # 178; y = # 178; y = # 178; y = # 178; y = # 178;


Let the vertex of the parabola be the origin of the mark to find the standard equation of the focus f (0, - 5)

Because the focus is on the negative y-axis
Let the original standard equation be
And because the focus coordinates are (0, - P / 2)
Let f (0, - 5) be the focus
So p = 10
So the standard equation of the parabola is
X ^ 2 = - 20Y, i.e

Cylinder or cylinder
Which should be in the engine? Explain the reason. I think it's the cylinder. The mixture is burned in the engine

It should be called cylinder. This cylinder is used in steam engine with water. For example, steam uses this steam. This cylinder is used in diesel engine

The principle of cross phase multiplication
Don't copy. OK, I want the principle!
It's to decompose the quadratic trinomial of one variable. Answer again if you can understand

For individuals in a set, there are only two different values, some of which are a and the rest are B. the average value is C. calculate the proportion of individuals with a and B. suppose a has x and B has (1-x)
Therefore: X: (1-x) = (C-B) ∶ (A-C)
The above calculation process can be abstracted as follows:
A ……… C-B
…… C
B……… A-C
This is called cross multiplication

General solution of the equation dy / DX + 4Y = xe-3x
-3x is the power of E

The characteristic equation of homogeneous equation is R + 4 = 0, r = - 4. The solution of homogeneous equation is y = CE ^ (- 4x). The special solution of non-homogeneous equation is y * = 1 / (D + 4) × Xe ^ (- 3x) = e ^ (- 3x) / (D-3 + 4) × x = e ^ (- 3x) / (D + 1) × x = e ^ (- 3x) (1-D) × x = (x-1) e ^ (- 3x) general solution y = (x-1) e ^ (- 3x) + CE ^ (- 4x)

How many cubic meters is five tons of steam?

About 8333, 3 cubic meters at 100 degrees centigrade

Please give me all the multiplication formulas in junior high school

Square difference: (a + b) (a-b) = A-B square complete square 1: (a + b) square = a square + 2Ab + b square complete square 2: (a-b) square = a square - 2Ab + b square of three numbers: (a + B + C) square = a square + 2Ab + b square + 2BC + C square + 2Ac two numbers cube 1: (a + b) cube = a of

The triple integral ∫ ∫ ∫ zdxdydz is calculated, where Ω is a closed region bounded by x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 and z = 4 under z = root

The original formula = ∫ (0,4) DZ ∫ (DZ) zdxdy
Where DZ: x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 ≤ Z ^ 2

The speed is 60 km / h, equal to () m / min, () m / s

The speed is 60 km / h, equal to (1000) m / min, (50 / 3) m / s