How many seconds are there in six minutes?

How many seconds are there in six minutes?

three hundred and sixty

If n is an integer greater than 1, is the value of P = n + (n ^ 2-1) x (1 - (- 1) ^ n) / 2 odd or even?

Let n be odd, P = odd + (odd-1) * 2 / 2 = odd + even = odd
Let n be even, P = even + (even-1) * 0 / 2 = even

Mathematics problems of grade one in junior high school
In the relocation of the school library, there are 150000 books. Originally, we planned to arrange a group of students to help carry books in the labor class of a class every day, and we moved 18000 books in two days. If we want to move the books in seven days and set up each group to carry the same number of books, how many groups should we arrange at least to carry books every day in the next few days?

Hello, ljh39872266! 1.8 △ 2 = 0.9 (ten thousand books / day), that is to say, each group can carry nine thousand books every day. There are still 7-2 = 5 (days) books left and 15-1.8 = 13.2 (ten thousand books) left. In the next few days, arrange x groups to carry books every day

Mathematics problem {0.85 - [12 + 4 * (3-10)]} / 5
For example, XXXXXX = XXXXXXXX, you need to write the steps~

{0.85-【12+4*(3-10)】}/5 ={0.85-【12+12-40】}/5 ={0.85-(-16)}/5 ={0.85+16}/5 =16.85/5 =3.37

Given a + a 1 / 2 = 5, find the square of a + a 1 / 2

(a + 1 / a) square = 25
Square of a + 1 / 2 of a = 25-2 = 23

The intersection points of the image of the quadratic function y = 1 / 4x ^ 2-5 / 2x + 6 and the X axis from left to right are a and B, respectively, and the intersection point of the image and the Y axis is C
1. Find the coordinates of three points a, B and C
2. If P (x, y) is the moving point between parabola AC and 0 is the coordinate origin, try to find the functional relationship between the area s of △ POA and X, and write out the value range of independent variable x
3. Whether there is such a point P such that Po = Pa. if there is, the coordinates of point P can be obtained. If not, the reason is given

1 A(4,0),B(6,0) c(0,6)
2 S△POA=(1/2)X^2-5X+12 (0≤x≤4)
3 exists when x = 2, y = 2, that is p (2,2)

The greatest common factor of two numbers is 6, and the least common multiple is 108. One of them is 18. What is the other number?


Let a > b > 0, then the minimum value of a ^ 2 + (1 / AB) + [1 / a (a-b)]

a^2 + 1/ab + 1/a(a-b) = [a^2 - ab + 1/a(a-b)] + (ab + 1/ab)
Because a > b > 0, a (a-b) > 0, a ^ 2 - AB + 1 / a (a-b) > = 2
ab + 1/ab >= 2
The equal sign is obtained if and only if a (a-b) = 1 and ab = 1, i.e. a = √ 2, B = √ 2 / 2
So minimum = 2 + 2 = 4

Let f (x) = sin2xcos3x, find the n-th derivative of F (x) (n = 1,2,...)

Among them, the sum difference product formula and the n-order derivative formula of sine function are used. If you don't understand, you can continue to ask me

Simple calculation method of 86 + 39 + 14 + 53 + 61 + 47

86+14=100 39+61=100 53+47=100 100+100+100=300