What's the number on the 101st place after the decimal point of circular decimal 0.35147

What's the number on the 101st place after the decimal point of circular decimal 0.35147

Because the cyclic section of this decimal is 5
So 101 △ 5 = 20 one
Because the first number of loop sections is 3
So the number on the 101st place after the decimal point is 3

A and B trains leave each other at the same time. Car a travels 50 kilometers per hour and car B 60 kilometers per hour. When the two trains meet, car a just goes 300 kilometers. How many kilometers are there between the two places?

300 / 50 = 6 hours
6 * 60 + 300 = 660km

The convergence criterion of monotone sequence proves the existence of sequence limit
X1=√2 Xn+1=√2Xn n=1.2.

There are: xn = √ (2 + X (n-1))
∵ 1 < x1=√2 < x2 =√(2+x1) < 2
By mathematical induction method:
Hypothesis: X (n-1) < xn < 2
Xn = √ (2 + X (n-1)) < xn + 1 = √ (2 + xn) ‖ xn is a monotone sequence;
Xn + 1 = √ (2 + xn) < √ (2 + 2) < 2  xn is a bounded sequence, the upper bound is 2, and the lower bound is X1 = √ 2;
By the monotone boundedness principle: LIM (n - > ∞) xn, according to the order preserving property of limit, let:
lim(n->∞) xn = a ≥ 1
a = lim(n->∞) x(n+1)= lim(n->∞) √(2+xn)= √(2+a)
a = √(2+a)
The solution is a = 2, a = - 1
∴ lim(n->∞) xn = 2

The distance between city a and city B is 560 kilometers. Two trains leave from city a and city B at the same time. Car a travels 85 kilometers per hour, while car B travels 75 kilometers per hour. How many hours do the two trains meet?

560 ÷ (85 + 75) = 3.5 hours

a. If the average of B and C is 2, then the average of 2a-3, 2b-1, 2C + 4 is?


A. The distance between B and a is 50km. A rides a bicycle from a to B. after one hour and 30 minutes, B rides a motorcycle from a to B,
A. The distance between two places is 50km. A rides a bicycle from place a to place B. after 2 hours and 30 minutes of departure, B rides a motorcycle from place a to place B. as a result, both of them arrive at place B at the same time. It is known that the speed of B is 2.5 times that of A. the speed of two people can be calculated

Let V A = x km / h

The quotient of a natural number greater than 0 divided by 2 is the square of a natural number, while the quotient of 3 is the cube of a natural number. What is the minimum?

z=2a^2=3b^3 a=9n^2 b=8m^3
z=2X3^2Xn^2=2^3X3Xm^3 n^2=2X2Xp^2 m^3=3X3X3Xq^3

The two passenger trains run from two places at the same time. After five hours, they meet at a distance of 30 kilometers from the central point. The fast train runs 60 kilometers per hour, and the slow train runs thousands of kilometers per hour

5 hours, 30 * 2 = 60 km more by express train than by local train
That is, the speed of fast train is faster than that of slow train: 60 △ 5 = 12 km / h
So the idle speed is 60-12 = 48 km / h
A: the local train runs 48 kilometers per hour

In the quadrilateral ABCD, AB is parallel to CD, ∠ d = 2 ∠ B, the lengths of AD and CD are a and B respectively, (1)
Find the length of AB, (2) if ad ⊥ AB is at point a, find the area of trapezoid

1) Through D, make de BC, intersect AB at point E. ∵ be ∥ CD, de BC, ∥ quadrilateral cdeb is parallelogram, ∥ be = CD = B, and ∥ CDE = b = 1 / 2 ∥ ADC, ∥ de bisection ∥ ADC, ∥ ade = CDE = B, ∥ ab ∥ CD, ∥ AED = CDE = B, ∥ ade = AED, ∥ AE = ad = a, ∥ AB = ae

There is a pile of coal. Two fifths of this pile of coal was carried away on the first day, and nine tenth of the first day was carried away on the second day,
Add: the next day, 30 tons of coal will be transported. How many tons of coal is there?

Let this pile of coal be a ton
A = 100 / 3 tons