X ^ 2 = 2Y + 5, y ^ 2 = 2x + 5, find x ^ 3 + 2 (XY) ^ 2 + y ^ 3 My answers are 15 and - 37? Right?

X ^ 2 = 2Y + 5, y ^ 2 = 2x + 5, find x ^ 3 + 2 (XY) ^ 2 + y ^ 3 My answers are 15 and - 37? Right?

Find x ^ 3 + 2 (XY) ^ 2 + y ^ 3
Subtraction of two formulas
x+y=-2 (1)
Two formula addition
x^2+y^2=1 (2)
(1) Square - (2)

If x + y = 5, xy = - 3, then x ^ 2Y + XY ^ 2=____ x^2+y^2=________


If "△" is a new operation symbol, let x △ y = XY + X + y, then in 2 △ M = - 16, the value of M is______ .

According to the meaning of the question: 2 △ M = 2m + 2 + M = - 16, sort out: 3M = - 18, solution: M = - 6

To solve the equation: 18 (1 / x + 1 / 24-x) + 10 / x = 1, 1 / 24-x is one part of 24 minus X

The equation is 18 / x + 18 / (24-x) + 10 / x = 1
By multiplying (24-x) × x on both sides of the equation, 18 (24-x) + 18x + 10 (24-x) = (24-x) × x is obtained
Because (x + 7) ² ≥ 0
So the original mode equation has no solution

We can increase our knowledge and writing ability by reading extra-curricular books

Change "he" to "improve"

How to judge whether a year is a leap year or an ordinary year

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------In addition to the century year (e.g. 1800 is the 18th century...) In addition, all the years that can be divided by four are leap years, such as 1948, 1952 and so on

How much can one and one equal
Compare with friends, see who is looking for more!

1. In binary. 1 + 1 = 10; 2. Boolean algebra. 1 + 1 = 1; 3. As a representative. Such as Goldbach conjecture; 4. Different units. Such as 1 hour plus 1 minute equals 61 minutes; 5. In sharp turn. Such as 1 plus 1, the answer is 11; 6. Under special circumstances. Such as a man plus a pregnant woman equals three people; 7. Actual needs

Xiao Gang has a science and technology book with a total of 60 pages. He read 15% of the whole book on the first day and 60% of the whole book on the second day. How many pages did he read in two days?

60 × (15 + 60%), = 60 × 0.8, = 48 pages; a: 48 pages in two days

He is only a ten-year-old child

He is only a child of ten years old

How to convert 18.74289 into degrees, minutes and seconds

Degrees, minutes and seconds, all in 60 system
So 18.74289 ° is 18 ° 44'34.404 '‘