When a car turns on a horizontal curve, which forces act on it and who provides the centripetal force

When a car turns on a horizontal curve, which forces act on it and who provides the centripetal force

Friction, gravity, support, traction, air resistance
But the air resistance is usually ignored

X + 3 / 5x = 7 / 10 8 / 5x = 7 / 10 Why x + 3 / 5x = 8 / 5x

X+3/5X =(1+3/5)X=8/5X

Both Party A and Party B set out from place a to place B. Party A walked five kilometers before Party B set out. The speed of Party A was four kilometers per hour, and the speed of Party B was five kilometers per hour,
If a and B are x kilometers apart, then the time for a to walk is, and the time for B to walk is. If two people arrive at B at the same time, then the equation can be formulated

I simplified it for you directly. Normally, we should divide X by four and add 5000. 4 equals X
Divided by 5, the simplified sum is 5x + 25000 = 4x x = 25000

A-B = 2, (a + B + 2) (a + b-2) = 60

Substituting A-B = 2 into (a + B + 2) (a + b-2) = 60
We get: (a + B + a-b) (a + B-A + b) = 60
That is: 2A × 2B = 60
That is, 4AB = 60
That is: ab = 15

Factorization solution of mathematics in grade one of junior high school
1. Factorization: (a + b) (a-b) - 5 (a ^ 2-2b ^ 2)
2. If 2 ^ 48-1 can be divided by two integers between 60 and 70, the two numbers are____
3. Please write a binomial, which can first "raise the common factor" and then "use the formula"
(example: 9A ^ 2x ^ 2-B ^ 2Y ^ 2 = (3ax + by) (3ax by)), the binomial you wrote is______
The result of factoring is____

1. Factorization (a + b) (a-b) - 5 (a ^ 2-2b ^ 2) = A & sup2; - B & sup2; - 5A & sup2; + 10B & sup2; = 9b & sup2; - 4A & sup2; = (3b + 2a) (3b-2a)
2. If 2 ^ 48-1 can be divided by two integers between 60 and 70, the two numbers are 63 and 65
3. The binomial you wrote is 8ax & sup2; - 2ay & sup2;, and the result of factoring is 2A (2x + y) (2x-y)

It costs 80 yuan to buy 30 kg of three kinds of fruits, including 4 yuan for apples, 3 yuan for oranges and 2 yuan for pears
If you buy as few oranges as possible, how many kilos of each of the three fruits?

Apple 9 Orange 2 pear 19

Let a = (- 3,2), B = (- 1,6), then 3a-2b be

Because a = (- 3,2), B = (- 1,6), so:

If the imaginary number Z satisfies Z ^ 3 = 8, then (Z ^ 2 + 2Z + 5) * (3-2i)=

Z is an imaginary number
So Z ^ 2 + 2Z + 4 = 0
Then Z ^ 2 + 2Z + 5 = 1
So the original formula is 3-2i

Xinxing fruit store has three baskets of apples and five baskets of pears, weighing 275 kg in total. The weight of each basket of apples is twice that of each basket of pears
How many kilos does each basket of apples weigh?

Weight of each basket: 275 ÷ (3 * 2 + 5) = 25kg
Weight of each basket of apples: 2 * 25 = 50kg

A group of data: 32, 33, 45, 50, 51, 52, 53, then the median of this group of data is

The median of 32,33,45,50,51,52,53 was 50