If a is an even number, what are three consecutive odd numbers represented by the formula containing a Hurry!

If a is an even number, what are three consecutive odd numbers represented by the formula containing a Hurry!


12+14+18+116+132+164+1128+1256+1512+11024=______ .

12+14+18+116+132+164+1128+1256+1512+11024=1-12+12-14+14-18+… +1512-11024 = 1-11024 = 10231024, so the answer is: 10231024

One and two percent plus two and six percent plus three and twelve percent plus four and twenty percent plus What's nine and one in 90?

+3+1/3-1/4 + .
=1+2+3+...9+1/1-1/10 =45+9/10

If a ≠ B is known and the square of a is - 3A + 1 = 0 and the square of B is - 3B + 1 = 0, the value of a + B can be obtained?

Do you see the relationship between the square of a - 3A + 1 = 0 and the square of B - 3B + 1 = 0?
In fact, a and B can be regarded as the two real roots of the equation x's Square - 3x + 1 = 0
Solve the equation x squared - 3x + 1 = 0, the solution is X1 = 3 / 2 plus 5 under the root sign, X2 equals 3 / 2 minus 5 under the root sign (solved by formula method)
Then a + B is actually equal to X1 + x2
You figure it out for yourself. I'll figure it out for 3
This topic our teacher talked about, so it should be correct
I can't find some mathematical symbols. I hope you can understand them

The image is parallel to the line y = - 2x - 7 and intersects with the line y = 1 / 4x + 3 at the same point on the Y axis
Such as the title

Let the linear function be y = KX + B because it is parallel to y = - 2x-7
So k = - 2
The line y = 1 / 4x + 3 intersects Y axis at (0,3)
So B = 3
Then the linear function is y = - 2x + 3

The least common multiple (1) of 42 and 66 is obtained by decomposing the prime factor. 42 = () times () times ()
66 = () times () times ()
(2) The common quality factors of 42 and 66 are (); the unique quality factors of 42 are (); the unique quality factors of 66 are ()
(3) The least common multiple of 42 and 66 is ()

(1) 42=2×3×7,66=2×3×11
(2) The common quality factors of 42 and 66 are 2 and 3; the unique quality factor of 42 is 7; the unique quality factor of 66 is 11
(3) The least common multiple of 42 and 66 is 462

Finding the minimum value of a ^ 2 + 1 / AB + 1 / a (a-b)

Because 1 / a (a-b), a is not equal to Ba ^ 2 + 1 / AB + 1 / a (a-b) = a ^ 2 + {(a-b) + B} / AB (a-b) = a ^ 2 + 1 / b (a-b). Then, let A-B = y, the square of B = X1 / XY + (x + y) = x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 + 2XY + 1 / XY be greater than or equal to 2XY + 2XY + 1 / xy = 4xy + 1 / XY be greater than or equal to 4 (basic inequality: A ^ 2 + B ^ 2

Let f (x) = g (x) (x-a) ^ n, G (x) has n-1 order continuous derivative at x = a, find the n order f (x) at x = a
Use Leibniz formula, and then why is the term K = 0 in the sum non-zero, not all zero?

Using Leibniz formula:
The (n-1) order derivative of F (x) = the (n-1) order derivative of G (x) (x-a) ^ n
=Σ (n = 0, n-1) C (n-1, K) [k-order derivative of G (x)] [(n-1-k) order derivative of (x-a) ^ n]
When k = 0: = g (x) (x-a) ^ n (n-1) order derivative = g (x) n! (x-a)

This / is the fraction line, the front is the numerator, the back is the denominator, please answer this question quickly!


What's the difference between three times of three fifths minus half of the reciprocal of five eighths?
