What is the n-th power of a or what is the power of a negative number? What is the even power of a negative number? What is the power of a positive number? What is the power of 0

What is the n-th power of a or what is the power of a negative number? What is the even power of a negative number? What is the power of a positive number? What is the power of 0

What is the n-th power of a? 2 ^ 3 is the third power of 2
What power of a negative number is negative? The odd power of a negative number is negative
What is the even power of a negative number? The even power of a negative number is a positive number
What is any power of a positive number? Any power of a positive number is a positive number
What power of 0 is 0? Any positive power of 0 is 0

In the power a of exponential power a, a must be greater than 0

In the power a of exponential power a, a must be greater than 0
If a

The sum of 4 / 7 of a number and 30% of this number is 12.2. To find this number, we need to solve the equation

Let this number be X,

Xiaojun's birthday, my mother bought a cake, cut 13 to Xiaojun, Xiaojun only ate 12 of them, Xiaojun ate how much of the whole cake?

13 × 12 = 16; a: Xiaojun ate 16% of the whole cake

In the plane rectangular coordinate system, point a is in the first quadrant, point B is in the second quadrant, and point C is on the coordinate axis. If △ ABC is a right triangle, there are at most a points and at least B points, then the value of a + B is ()
A. 8B. 10C. 11D. 12

As shown in the figure, a = 8, B = 4, so a + B = 8 + 4 = 12

How many milliseconds is 55 minutes?


Given that the ellipse C: x ^ 2 / 4 + y ^ 2 / b = 1, the line L: y = MX + 1, if for any m ∈ R, the line L and the ellipse C always have a common point, then the value range of the real number n is

Ellipse C: x ^ 2 / 4 + y ^ 2 / b = 1,
If b > 0 and B ≠ 4, the positive half axis of intersection Y axis is (0, √ b)
Because the line L: y = MX + 1 passes through the point (0,1)
If for any m ∈ R, the line L and the ellipse C always have a common point
Then the point (0,1) is always inside the ellipse
Then √ B ≥ 1, B ≥ 1
The value range of real number B is B ≥ 1 and B ≠ 4

Let x ∈ (0, π 2), then the minimum value of the function y = 2sin2x + 1sin2x is______ .

∵ y = 2sin2x + 1sin2x = 2 − cos2xsin2x = k, take the left semicircle of a (0, 2), B (- sin2x, cos2x) ∈ x2 + y2 = 1, as shown in the figure, Kmin = tan60 ° = 3

If the line y = (3K-2) x + B-12 is parallel to y = - 1 / 2x-1, then k =?


Find the range of y = x & # 178; + 3x-2, X ∈ (- 1,2]

The axis of symmetry is x = - 3 / 2
Because x ∈ (- 1,2], the opening is upward
So the function is monotonically increasing in this interval
So the maximum is 8
The minimum is 4
So the range is (4,8]