In a sinusoidal AC circuit, the inductor is connected in series with a resistor, and then connected in parallel with an adjustable capacitor,

In a sinusoidal AC circuit, the inductor is connected in series with a resistor, and then connected in parallel with an adjustable capacitor,

There are two unknowns, i.e. inductance L and resistance R. the supply voltage is known, i.e. U (T) = √ 2usin (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) (J? R-J /?) (1) I = u /?) (2) adjust u, record I, record two groups of values, and get two binary equations, then R and l can be obtained

On series connection of resistance, capacitance and inductance in AC circuit
In a 120 V AC circuit, 6 ohm resistor, 10 ohm capacitor and 18 ohm inductor are connected in series. What is the current and the voltage of each component,
Under the same conditions above, the total power consumption and the respective consumption of each component are calculated. What is the power factor and the total resistance. Please elaborate,
Why is the total impact 100 Ω, not 10 Ω, and how to calculate it

There are in Electrotechnics and electromagnetics in University

What's five cents and eight cents

5.8 angle

Use "dichotomy" to find the real root of the equation x3-2x-5 = 0 in the interval [2,3], take the midpoint of the interval as x0 = 2.5, then the next interval with roots is______ .

Let f (x) = x3-2x-5, f (2) = - 1 < 0, f (3) = 16 > 0, f (2.5) = 1258-10 = 458 > 0, the interval of zero point of F (x) is [2,2.5], the interval of root of equation x3-2x-5 = 0 is [2,2.5], so the answer is [2,2.5]

What is the English word for shoes

The plural of shoes

Let the sum of the first n terms of the sequence [an] be Sn, A1 = 10, an + 1 = 9sn + 10. Let BN = lgan, prove that the sequence [BN] is an arithmetic sequence

So it's an equal ratio sequence, A1 = 10, q = 10
1 is a constant, so it is an arithmetic sequence

I = ∫ (- xdx + YDY) / (x ^ 2 + y ^ 2), where l: x ^ 2; + y ^ 2; = a ^ 2;, the direction is counterclockwise. How can I calculate 0

The result of the integral you write now is 0. Did you write the title wrong? Should the molecule be - YDX + XDY?
In your present question, change the denominator X & # 178; + Y & # 178; to a & # 178;
Then: the original integral = (1 / A & # 178;) ∫ - xdx + YDY
Then using Green's formula, the result is obviously 0
If you don't understand, please ask. If you can solve the problem, please click "select as satisfactory answer" below

(3 / 4 + 2 / 3 - 5 / 6) multiply by 24

(3 / 4 + 2 / 3 - 5 / 6) times 24

Calculation formula of cone volume

Let R be the radius of the upper bottom, R be the radius of the lower bottom, and H be the height,
Then v = π * h * (R ^ 2 + R + R ^ 2) / 3

The () condition for the existence of total differential when the partial derivative of binary function exists

Necessary and insufficient conditions for the existence of partial derivatives and total derivatives of functions of two variables
When the partial derivative is continuous, the total differential exists