In RLC series circuit, the instantaneous expression of current, apparent power, active power, reactive power and power factor are obtained In RLC series circuit, r = 100 ohm, XL = 20, XC = 10, supply voltage U = 200sin (100t + 30 degrees), the instantaneous expression of current, apparent power, active power, reactive power and power factor are obtained

In RLC series circuit, the instantaneous expression of current, apparent power, active power, reactive power and power factor are obtained In RLC series circuit, r = 100 ohm, XL = 20, XC = 10, supply voltage U = 200sin (100t + 30 degrees), the instantaneous expression of current, apparent power, active power, reactive power and power factor are obtained

R = 100 X = XL - XC = 20 - 10 = 10
Z = (R * r + X * x) ^ 0.5 = 100.5 Tana = x / r = 0.1 A = 5.7 degrees
Im = um / z = 200 / 100.5 = 1.99 Φ = 30 - 5.7 = 24.3 degrees
Instantaneous expression of current: I = imsin (100t + Φ) = 1.99sin (100t + 24.3 degrees)
Apparent power: S = u * I = (200 / √ 2) * (1.99 / √ 2) = 199 KVA
Active power: P = I * I * r = (1.99 / √ 2) * (1.99 / √ 2) * 100 = 198 w
Reactive power: q = I * I * x = (1.99 / √ 2) * (1.99 / √ 2) * 10 = 19.8 var
Power factor: cosa = cos5.7 = 0.995

What determines the power factor in a nonsinusoidal circuit?

In a sinusoidal circuit, the power factor is determined by the phase difference between the fundamental voltage and the potential. If it is a non sinusoidal circuit, there are various harmonics besides the fundamental. The distortion of harmonics will also affect the power factor

Relationship between voltage and current of inductor

The one upstairs is wrong
It should be inductance voltage UL = L * di / dt
Capacitive current IC = C * Du / DT

Is ice and water the same substance?

Ice is solid and water is liquid. The distance between liquid molecules is much larger than that of solid molecules, and the intermolecular force (van der Waals force) depends on the distance between molecules. At the same time, the change of state (physical change) is to destroy the effect of van der Waals force. Because ice needs to absorb more energy for physical change, its specific heat capacity is much larger than that of water

The formula of cattle grazing problem

There are four basic formulas for the problem of cattle grazing: the problem of cattle grazing is also known as the problem of growth and decline, which was put forward by Newton, a great British scientist in the 17th century

X = log2 √ 3, then the value of [2 ^ 3x-2 ^ (- 3x)] / [2 ^ X-2 ^ (- x)]
In log2 √ 3, 2 is the subscript

Sorry just made two mistakes
Original formula = (26 / (3 √ 3)) / (2 √ 3 / 3) = 13 / 3

36 degrees 59 minutes 96 seconds into an angle in degrees


When a is odd, the greatest common divisor of a and B is______ The least common multiple is______ When a is even, the greatest common divisor of a and B is______ The least common multiple is______ .

(1) When a is odd, B is an odd number adjacent to a, then the greatest common divisor of a and B is 1, and the least common multiple is ab; (2) when a is even, B is an even number adjacent to a, the greatest common divisor of a and B is 2, and the least common multiple is 12ab

1 / 2 + 1 / 4 + 1 / 8 + 1 / 16 + 1 / 32 + 1 / 64

This is the equal ratio sequence, the common ratio is 1 / 2. I will learn it in high school, and the equal difference sequence. Summation formula

When a fraction equals five out of twelve

25 points