We know the equation 3x + 2y-4 + 3ax-2by = 0 for X and Y. (1) if there is no X term, find the value of a; (2) Ruo Write down the formula and the answer,

We know the equation 3x + 2y-4 + 3ax-2by = 0 for X and Y. (1) if there is no X term, find the value of a; (2) Ruo Write down the formula and the answer,

The equation 3x + 2y-4 + 3ax-2by = 0 can be written as (3 + 3a) x + (2-2b) y-4 = 0;
(1) If there is no X term, then 3 + 3A = 0, a = - 1;
(2) If there is no y term, then 2-2b = 0, B = 1

Please write the formula directly. We haven't learned to set X and Y in the third grade
If the width of a rectangle is increased by 4cm, its area will be increased by 32cm, which is exactly a square. Find out the area of the original rectangle and draw a picture

The length of rectangle is: 32 △ 4 = 8 (CM)
Width: 8-4 = 4 (CM)
Area: 8 × 4 = 32 (square centimeter)
Don't draw the picture. There is no software

It is known that the intersection of straight line y = KX and hyperbola x ^ 2 / A ^ 2 - y ^ 2 / b ^ 2 = 1 (a > 0, b > 0) is at two points of M.N
P is a point on a hyperbola different from M. n, if a straight line PM.PN If the product of the slopes of the hyperbola is 1 / 3, then the eccentricity e of the hyperbola is

Let P (x0, Y0, y = KX, y = KX (x, x, y = KX, y = KX, y = KX (x, x, y = KX, y = KX, y = KX and the hyperbola equation, x = ± AB / (x = ± AB / (b \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\35;178; = 1

123456789 = 100 fill in a plus sign and two minus signs anywhere between them to make them equal

I hope my answer is right

On quadratic function and quadratic equation of one variable
If there are two and only one of them is between 0 and 1 (excluding 0 and 1), then the value range of a is?


Recursive equation, multiplication sign, division sign, plus sign, minus sign - copy and fill in
1 9.88÷4×3.12-7.5

2 13.6×3.12+50.8

3 6.75×5.1-4.2

4 (3.3+1.5)×4.6-7.89

5 14.3+1.75×4

6 8.65-7.5×4.78

Please do help

1 9.88÷4×3.12-7.5=2.47×3.12-7.5=7.7064-7.5=0.20642 13.6×3.12+50.8 =42.432+50.8=93.2323 6.75×5.1-4.2=34.425-4.2=30.2254 (3.3+1.5)×4.6-7.89=4.8×4.6-7.89=22.08-7.89=14.195 14.3+1.7...

What is the common factor between the quadratic power of a-2ab + the quadratic power of B and the square of A-B?

So it's a-b

In the regression linear equation y = a + BX, B denotes?

It represents the average change value of dependent variable y when the independent variable x changes by one unit of measurement. Mathematically, it is called the slope of straight line, also known as regression coefficient

This is a definite integral problem about high school mathematics
A car moving at a constant speed at the speed V is the distance S = VT after time T. If the car moving in a straight line with a variable speed at the time t is v = 2 + T & sup2;, then how much distance does it travel during the period of 1 ≤ t ≤ 2? This is the related knowledge of trapezoidal area with curved edges in senior two mathematics. I hope to give the exact answer

The interval [1,2] is divided into n cells equally, and the i-th cell is 1 + i-1n, 1 + in
=1ni=1n 1+i-1n2+2
=1ni=1n (i-1)2n2+2(i-1)n+3
=1n3n+1n2[02+12+22+… +(n-1)2]+1n[0+2+4+6+… +2(n-1)]
s=limn→∞sn=limn→∞ 3+(n-1)(2n-1)6n2+n-1n=13/3.
The distance traveled during this period is 13 / 3km

11 out of 18 = 1 out of 3 + 1 out of 8 + 1 out of 9 + 13 out of 30 = 1 out of 5 + 1 out of 6 + 1 out of 15?

I want to ask if you mean basic training or practice and testing