How to do 1.2 minus 7x equals 5 / 4

How to do 1.2 minus 7x equals 5 / 4

First, change 5 / 4 to a decimal: 1.25

The surface area of this cuboid is 224 square centimeters, and the surface area of each cuboid is () square centimeters
The volume is () cubic centimeter

3 is 6 × 3 = 18
Now (3-1) × 2 = 4 faces are missing
So 18-4 = 14 faces
The bottom area is 224 △ 14 = 16 square centimeters
The side length is 4 cm
So the surface area is 16 × 6 = 96 square centimeters
Volume 4 × 4 × 4 = 64 CC

13 out of 27 times 20 equals


Count even numbers that can be divided by 3 in [10008000]

1333-166 = 1167

How much is factorial 36 divided by 35


Simplification (2A2 + 3a-4) - (- 3a2 + 7a-1)


What is a negative number plus a negative number

A negative number plus a negative number equals a negative number

The following equations y = 2x-33x + 2Y = 8 are solved by substitution method


Reflection on the teaching of the third question on page 22 of the supplementary exercises of the sixth grade mathematics volume I of Jiangsu Education Press

9.5 * 6 * 19 = 1083 (CC) 1083 * 6 = 6489 (CC)
6489 over 6000

In mathematics, the difference between the squares of X and Y is greater than half, and the number of 3 is expressed as

Let this number be a, so we can get
A = (X^2-Y^2)/2 + 3