As shown in the figure, in △ ABC, ∠ C = 90 °, AC = BC, Da bisects ∠ cab and intersects BC at point D. can we determine a point E on AB so that the perimeter of △ BDE equals the length of AB? If yes, please point E and give proof; if not, please explain the reason

As shown in the figure, in △ ABC, ∠ C = 90 °, AC = BC, Da bisects ∠ cab and intersects BC at point D. can we determine a point E on AB so that the perimeter of △ BDE equals the length of AB? If yes, please point E and give proof; if not, please explain the reason

We can determine a point E on AB such that the perimeter of △ BDE is equal to the length of ab. it is proved that in △ ABC, ∠ C = 90 ° Da bisects ∠ cab, | DC = De, ∠ CDA = ∠ EDA, | AE = AC, ∵ AC = BC, | ∠ B = 45 ° BC = AE, | △ bed is isosceles right triangle, | de = be

It is a desk

They are desks

It is known that the solution set of the inequality ax square + BX + C is {x | 3

The solution set of ax & # 178; + BX + C > 0 is {x | 1

can the little boy keep_____ promise?(he)

keep ones promise
Keep promise
I hope it will help you. If you have any questions, you can ask again,

A cylindrical flower bed is built in the school. The inner diameter of the bottom is 4 m and the height is 0.6 M. if the height of the filling is 0.5 m, how many cubic meters does this flower bed need?

Circumference × radius × radius × height according to the height of fill 3.14 * 2 * 2 * 0.5 = 6.28

The antonym of warm


A mathematical problem about sine theorem
In the triangle ABC, the root 3A = 2bsina is known to find the angle B

A / b = 2bsina / radical 3 = Sina / SINB
SINB = root 3 / 2
B = 60 or 120

General present tense, general future tense, general past tense, past continuous tense, present continuous tense
Do not copy, column subject + predicate + other such

General present tense: subject + original verb / third person singular + other
General future tense: subject + will / be going to do + others
General past tense: subject + verb past + other
The present continuous tense: subject + AM / is / are + verb doing + other
Past continuous tense: subject + was / were + verb doing + other

Keyhole imaging law
The image of pinhole imaging must be inverted. What's wrong with the reduced real image

In pinhole imaging, the size of the hole and the distance between the image and the hole are not necessarily, so the inverted image and the reduced real image are not necessarily,
For example: the distance between the hole and the image is very close. If the distance between the hole and the image is no closer, it is not handstand
The distance between the hole and the image is very long. If the hole is relatively large, the image becomes very large

Circuit reactance of inductors and capacitors
How to calculate the total voltage of a circuit, including an AC power supply, a point container and an inductor? Why?

Total impedance of RCL series circuit z = R + J (xl-xc)
Because the phase of the voltage on capacitor and inductor is different from that on resistor, one is 90 ° ahead and the other is 90 ° behind, so complex sum (vector) should be used and phase difference should be included