In LC parallel circuit, if the inductance current is 5A and the capacitance current is 3a, the total current is 1

In LC parallel circuit, if the inductance current is 5A and the capacitance current is 3a, the total current is 1

2A. The current of the capacitor is 90 degrees ahead of the voltage, and the current of the inductor is 90 degrees behind the voltage. So it is 5-3 = 2, and the current direction is the current direction of the inductor

The series circuit composed of incandescent lamp and capacitor is powered by AC power supply. If the frequency of AC increases, the voltage of capacitor will decrease
A: The capacitance increases; B: the capacitance decreases;
C: Capacitive reactance increases; D: capacitive reactance decreases

The incandescent lamp is regarded as a pure resistor, which is simplified as a resistor. After the capacitor is connected in series, the input AC frequency increases, and how the capacitor changes. The capacitor capacity is determined by the manufacturing process, so it will not change. According to the capacitive reactance formula: 1 / (2. PI. F.C), the capacity does not change, the frequency increases, and the capacitive reactance decreases

Finding the indefinite integral of ∫ 3 ∫ X / E ∧ xdx
Please write down the steps to solve the problem

Let t = 3 Λ X / E Λ x, then LNT = x * ln (3 / E), x = LNT / ln (3 / E)
Then the original integral is reduced to ∫ t * D (LNT / ln (3 / E)) = (1 / ln (3 / E)) ∫ t * D (LNT)
D (LNT) = 1 / T * DT, so the original integral is (1 / ln (3 / E)) ∫ t * 1 / T * DT = (1 / ln (3 / E)) ∫ DT
The range of X is from negative infinity to positive infinity, so the range of T is from 0 to positive infinity, so the integral result is infinite

The income ratio of Wang Li and Li Mei this month is 8:5, and the expenditure ratio is 4:3. Wang Li's balance is 152 yuan and Li Mei's balance is 89 yuan. How many yuan do they each earn this month?

Wang's monthly income is X Yuan and Li's is y yuan

What is the difference between the parallelogram rule and the orthogonal decomposition method?

The biggest difference between orthogonal decomposition and parallelogram
It is because the orthogonal decomposition method needs to establish a rectangular coordinate system,
And put the forces as close to the axis as possible
These questions are, how to say. Actually do the problem, ask the teacher, you are thinking too confused, in fact, I am also a senior one, these I have just come into contact with

For a square with a circumference of 36 cm, cut off four squares with a side length of 2 cm, and find the circumference of the remaining figure?
It's a square cut from four corners with four sides 2 cm long

4*2=8 8*4=32

The shape of a triangle with a (1,1) B (5,3) C (0,3) as vertex is

Right triangle

Given the function f (x) = LNX ax + (1-A) / X-1, (a belongs to R), let g (x) = x-2bx + 4
When a = 1 / 4, if for any x1 ∈ (0,2), there exists x2 ∈ [1,2], so that f (x1) ≥ g (x2). Find the value range of real number B. how to do this kind of problem. Analysis, draw inferences from one instance

In fact, the most difficult part of this type of problem is the analysis of the problem. The two words "arbitrary" and "existing" in the problem indicate that there is no limit to x except the range of value. That is to say, as long as X1 and X2 can satisfy f (x1) > = g (x2). That is to say, as long as the minimum value of F (x1) in (0,2) is greater than or equal to the minimum value of G (x2) in [1,2]

It's very easy for you. The second problem is the process
Xiao Wang bought 100 shares of Shanghai A shares at the price of 5.00 yuan per share and sold them at the price of 5.50 yuan per share. In the stock market, he had to pay taxes and fees respectively: 1. Stamp duty: calculated by 0.1% of the transaction amount; 2. Transfer fee: calculated by 0.1% of the transaction amount; 3. Commission: calculated by 0.3% of the transaction amount (calculated by 0.3%), If it is less than 5 yuan, it will be calculated as 5 yuan
(1) Xiao Zhang bought more than 1000 shares at the price of a (a is greater than or equal to 5) yuan per share. The stock market fluctuates greatly. He is ready to sell when he is not in loss or profit. Please help him calculate that the selling price is () yuan per share (expressed by the algebraic formula of a). From this, we can get that the selling price should be increased by at least ()% compared with the buying price to keep three significant figures
(2) Xiao Zhang bought 1000 shares of the above shares at the price of 5.00 yuan per share, and sold them when he was ready to make a profit of 1000 yuan. How much is the selling price per share? (accurate to 0.01 yuan)

The number of shares is uncertain. Is it 100 shares or 1000 shares in the end? There are three expenses for the transaction: 1. Stamp duty: calculated by 0.1% of the transaction amount; 2. Transfer fee: calculated by 0.1% of the transaction amount; 3. Commission: calculated by 0.3% of the transaction amount (calculated by 0.3%), less than 5 yuan is calculated by 5 yuan

Y = Xe ^ xsinx, how to find the derivative
I know the derivation formula of two functions. There are three functions. How to find them? Is there any formula?

E ∧ xsinx + X. e ∧ xsinx (SiNx + xcosx) can't be replaced by. Take the function as two parts, X and E ∧ xsinx, and then take the derivative of E ∧ xsinx, and use the product derivative formula repeatedly