How to measure the phase difference of two sinusoidal signals with the same frequency, including the value and symbol?

How to measure the phase difference of two sinusoidal signals with the same frequency, including the value and symbol?

The most direct method is to shape the voltage and current into a square wave, and then measure the time difference between the rising or falling edge of two square waves and the period of a single signal by the timer of MCU and other processors. The time difference divided by the period multiplied by 360 ° is the phase difference
If a sign is required, subtract 180 ° from the above result
The above method is simple, but the measurement error is large when the waveform has big burr
Another method is to use analog multiplier or digital multiplication (high-speed sampling, numerical multiplication) to obtain the active power. For the active power, pay attention to the apparent power to get the power factor, and then convert the phase angle according to the power factor

How to measure the phase difference of two sinusoidal signals with the same frequency by oscilloscope

After the signal is connected, press the "measure" key, select "phase", and then set the phase from "a" to "B" or from "B" to "a", so that the phase difference between the two signals can be displayed

What are the rules for the initial phase value of sine? What are the rules for the phase difference?

Both the initial phase and phase difference of sinusoidal quantity should not exceed 180 °

The focus of the ellipse X212 + Y23 = 1 is F1, and the point P is on the ellipse. If the midpoint m of the line segment Pf1 is on the Y axis, then the ordinate of the point m is ()
A. ±34B. ±32C. ±22D. ±34

Let the coordinate of point p be (m, n). According to the meaning of the title, we can know that the F1 coordinate is (3, 0) ∧ m + 3 = 0 ∧ M = - 3. Substituting it into the elliptic equation, we can get the ordinate of n = ± 32 ∧ m is ± 34, so we choose a

In two digits within 50, the difference between 1 and 1 is prime, and the quotient obtained by dividing 2 is also prime. There are two


It is proved that the quadratic function y = AXX + BX + C (a > 0) is an increasing function on [- B / 2a, positive infinity}

Method (derivative)
It is proved that y derivative = 2aX + B
When ∵ 2aX + B ≥ 0, X ≥ - B / 2a is obtained
X is an increasing function on [- B / 2a, positive infinity}

The monotone decreasing interval of function f (x) = LG (1 + x) + LG (2-x) is

Domain: - 1 < x < 2
=lg(-x^2 +x+2)
Because - x ^ 2 + X + 2 = - (x-1 / 2) ^ 2 + 9 / 4
The monotone decreasing interval is x ≥ 1 / 2
In conclusion: X ∈ [1 / 2,2]

If a prime number plus 2, 8, 14, 26, the sum is prime. Then, what is the original prime number?

∵ the remainder of 2, 8, 14, 26 divided by 5 is 2, 3, 4, 1; the sum of these four numbers plus a prime number larger than 5 must be divisible by 5, not a prime number. The original prime number is no more than 5, and can only be 3 or 5. It is verified that the sum of 2, 8, 14, 26 plus 3 or 5 is a prime number, so the original prime number is 3 or 5

Knowing the density function of two independent variables, how to find the joint density function?

Just look at the probability textbook. It's not good. I'm not very happy

If the maximum value of function y = asinx + B is 7 / 2 and the minimum value is - 5 / 2, then a =? B =?
