In AC circuit, the current passing through the resistor is in phase with the voltage at both ends

In AC circuit, the current passing through the resistor is in phase with the voltage at both ends

In AC circuit, the current and voltage of resistor are in the same phase, the current phase of inductor is 90 degrees behind the voltage phase, and the voltage phase of capacitor is 90 degrees behind the current phase

In an AC circuit with resistive elements, the phase of voltage and current () A. same B. the phase of voltage is 90 ° C ahead of the phase of current

The phase of B voltage is 90 ° ahead of that of current

Four identical rectangles and a small square form a large square. If the area of the large square and the small square is 49 square meters and 4 square meters respectively
Meter, find the width of one of the rectangles?

As shown in the picture
It is known that the area of a large square is 49 square meters, so the side length is 7 meters;
The area of a small square is 4 square meters, so the side length is 2 meters
Let the width of a rectangle be X
So, x + 2 + x = 7
So, x = 2.5 meters

There are six columns in the hall. The perimeter of the bottom area of each column is 25.12dm, and the height is 8m. If you need to pay 0.5 yuan for painting per square meter, you should pay for the eight columns
How much is the total cost of painting?

The sum of the surface area of six cylindrical columns is s = 6 * (25.12 * 80) = 12057.6 (square decimeter) = 120.576 square meter
If the cost of painting is 0.5 yuan per square meter, the total cost of painting six columns is 120.576 * 0.5 = 60.288 yuan

Please form a formula with 5 3's, proper operation symbols and brackets to make the result equal to 11______ .

To make the final result 11, 12-1 = 11, we need to consider how to get 12 from the first three, because 3 × 3 = 9, 9 + 3 = 12, 3 △ 3 = 1, 12-1 is exactly equal to 11; so we can get: 3 × 3 + 3-3 △ 3, = 9 + 3-1, = 11; so the answer is: 11

Let z = f (x, y) be differentiable at point (0,0), and f (0,0) = 0, FX (0,0) = m, FY (0,0) = n, G (x) = f (x, f (x, x)), and find the derivative of G (0)

I think the answer is m + (M + n) * n
Just write out the derivative of G (x) patiently
What I wrote is: FX (x, y) + FX (x, x) * FY (x, y) = FX (x, y) + (FX (x, y) + FY (x, y)) * FY (x, y)

A cuboid glass jar can hold up to 100 liters of water. The length of the glass jar is 6 decimeters, the width is 4 decimeters, and the water depth is 3 decimeters
Will the water in a 30 cubic decimeter glass ball overflow? Why?

There is something wrong with the title
1. The volume of the glass tank is only 6 * 4 * 3 = 72 liters. How can it "hold 100 liters of water at most"?
2. How can we judge whether the water will overflow without explaining how much water was in the tank before putting the glass ball?
If the original full of water, then put any size of glass ball, water will overflow
If the original amount of water is less than or equal to 72-30 = 42 liters, the water will not overflow;
If the original amount of water is more than 42 liters, put 30 cubic decimeter glass ball, and the water will overflow

By 32,17,14,63,2 these five numbers by subtraction multiplication and division and bracket operation get 2008
Using addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and bracket operation, we can get 2008 from the five numbers 32, 17, 14, 63 and 2

2008 not worked out:)

Given that Y1 = - x + 3, y2 = 3x-4, we can use the function image to observe: when what is the value of X, Y1 > Y2?
Auspicious solution

Take two pairs of (x, y) values, draw a graph, and observe that the intersection point is in the first quadrant

The original cylindrical pool with a bottom area of 314 square meters can hold 1884 cubic meters of water. If it is further excavated to a depth of 1 meter, how many cubic meters can it hold

314 * (6 + 1) = 2198 M3