How to convert degree into real number by phasor representation of sinusoidal quantity?

How to convert degree into real number by phasor representation of sinusoidal quantity?

Let's see if it's a special angle. Sine * 37 = 3 / 5, 53 = 4 / 5, 30 = 1 / 2, 45 = 2 / 2 root sign, 60 = 3 / 2 root sign. If it's not a special angle, it can be expressed by arc plus sine phasor

What is the phasor of sine? What is the relationship between sine and phasor?

Drawing in the coordinate system shows that the sine on the unit circle can be expressed as the length of the projection of the point on the unit element on the X axis
The vector on the unit circle can be expressed as a directional line segment from the origin to the store
Sine can be expressed as the length of vector ^ 0^

What's the difference between the two digits of one and the number of ten?

98, 87, 76, 65, 54, 43, 32, 21

There is a water dispenser in the classroom (as shown in the picture), and there are two drainpipes on the water dispenser. During the break, the students go to the water dispenser in turn to pick up the water with a tea cup. Assuming that the water does not spill during the water receiving process, each student receives the same amount of water. When two drainpipes are opened at the same time, their flow is the same. If one drainpipe is opened first, and then the second one is opened after 2 minutes The relationship between the water storage (L) and the water discharge time (min) is shown in the table below: the water discharge time (min) is 0.212 Water storage in water dispenser (L) 18 17 8 (1) When both drainpipes are open, the total water output per minute is calculated; (2) if there are four students from the beginning to the end of 2 minutes, how many minutes does it take for the first 22 students to finish the water connection? (3) According to the method of (2), how many students in the class can receive the water in time within 10 minutes after class?

(1) (17-8) / (12-2) = 0.9l. When both drainpipes are open, the total water output per minute is 0.9l. (2) (18-17) / (4 = 0.25L (22-4) × 0.25 = 4.5L, 4.5 / 0.9 = 5 points, 5 + 2 = 7 points. It takes 7 minutes for the first 22 students to finish receiving water. (3) 1 + (10-2) × 0.9 = 8.2l, 8.2 / 0.25 = 32.8 A: at most 32 students can finish receiving water in time

Known as the figure: square ABCD, be = BD, CE parallel to BD, be intersect CD to F, verification: de = DF

It is proved that: according to the symmetry properties: be '= be = BD; CE' = CE; and ∠ ECE '= 90 ° (5 points), so △ BCE is obtained when △ DCE' rotates 90 ° anticlockwise around point C, (10 points) so de '= be, then △ DBE' is an equilateral triangle, so ∠ DBE '= 60 °, so ∠ CBE' = ∠ DBE '- ∠ DBC = 15 °, (15 points) and ∠ CBE' = ∠ EBC = 15 °, so ∠ DBE = 30 °, so ∠ DEB = 75 °; (20 points) And ∠ DFE = ∠ BFC = 90 ° - ∠ FBC = 75 °, so ∠ DEB = ∠ DFE, so de = DF

2 / 3, 5 / 8, 15 / 23, 10 / 17 and 20 / 29 are arranged in the order from small to large

The same denominator is used to solve the problem of the same denominator

Four questions to fill in the blanks,
1. The sum of numbers a and B is 171.6. If the decimal point of number B moves one place to the right, it is equal to number a. the number a is () and the number B is ()
2. There is a difference of 5 tons between a and B. after taking 5% of each, there is a difference of () tons between the two warehouses
3. A fraction, whose denominator plus 3, can be divided into 3 / 7, their denominator minus 2, can be divided into 2 / 3, this fraction is ()
4. The sum of the two numbers is 733.15. If the decimal point of the smaller number is moved one place to the right, it will be the same as the larger number, then the larger number is ()
Several small balls in the same place move along the east-west direction. If it is positive to the East, if ball a goes - 7 km, then it means that the small ball in the west of a is the one corresponding to () below
A. - 3 km
B. + 2 km
C. 0 km
D. - 9 km

1. The sum of a and B is 171.6, the decimal point of B moves one place to the right, it is equal to a, a is (15.6), B is (156) 2, the difference of grain storage between a and B is 5 tons, the difference of grain storage between the two warehouses is (4.75) tons after taking 5% respectively

As shown in the figure, in ▱ ABCD, e is a point on CD, de: CE = 2:3, AE, be and BD are connected, and AE and BD intersect at point F, then s △ def: s △ EBF: s △ ABF=______ .

In ▱ ABCD, ab = CD = de + CE, de: CE = 2:3, ∫ de: ab = 2:5, and ∫ CD ∥ AB, ∫ def ∫ ABF, ∫ s △ def: s △ ABF = de2: AB2 = 4:25, ∫ EBF is equal to △ ABF, ∫ s △ EBF: s △ ABF = EF: AF = 2:5 = 10:25, ∫ s △ def: s △ EBF: s △ ABF = 4

When the meter is increased by 5.6 percent, its () is 1 meter, and its () kg is reduced by 30 percent, which is 0.77 kg

The increase of 5.6 percent is 1 meter, and the decrease of 1.1 kilogram is only 30 percent, which is 0.77 kilogram
Questions from above
90 meters
Let the rope be x meters long

How to square root?
Start with the simplest, the more detailed you say, the better! The more detailed you give, the more points you get!

The calculation steps of the square root are as follows: 1. Divide the integral part of the number to be square from one digit to the left every two digits, and divide it into several segments with an apostrophe (11'56 in the vertical) to indicate the number of digits of the square root; 2. According to the number in the first segment on the left, find the number on the highest position of the square root (3 in the vertical); 3