How to calculate matrix division in MATLAB?

How to calculate matrix division in MATLAB?

This is an inverse operation of a = CB. The result is a second-order matrix. C = - 1201. If it is calculated by hand, let C = a11 A12 A21 A22, and then solve four matrices by left × B = a series of equations

In MATLAB, if matrix A = [1,2,3; 2,3,4]; b = [1; 2], how to get C = [1,2,3; 1,1.5,2]?

C = [A(1,1:end)/B(1);A(2,1:end)/B(2)]
Where 1 before the comma in a (1,1: end) means to select the first row in the matrix A, and 1: end after the comma means to select the first column to the last column. A (2,1: end) is the same, but how to directly implement it is not very clear

In MATLAB, a = [1,2,3; 4,5,6; 7,8,9] calculates the square of array and matrix of a respectively

AA = A. ^ 2% array square
a_ Square = a ^ 2% matrix square

The function f (x) = x ^ 2-3x + 2m has only one zero point in the interval [- 2,2]. The value range of M is obtained

It's very convenient to use the combination of number and shape! You can draw a coordinate axis, use the end point of the interval to replace the function, and then consider the discriminant, pay attention to a variety of situations

The differences between phrases and phrases in English

Phrases are mostly verbal phrases
For example, get is a verb with different prepositions
Get in, get on / off, get over, get through, get by and so on have different meanings
Phrases are sentence patterns with special usages, such as so + Adjective + that, as... As, etc

As shown in the figure, in the triangle ABC, the angle ACB is equal to 90 degrees, CD is vertical to AB, AE bisector angle BAC intersects BC to e, intersects CD to F, FG is parallel to AB, intersects BC to g
(1) ce = CF (2) ce = BG urgent! Help!

∴△BEC ≌ △FCD
Let BF and CE intersect with o point
∵△BEC ≌ △FCD

1. Is that a bus? 2. What's this? It's a box. 3. Where is the pen? It's in the desk

Are those buses?
What are these?
They're boxes.
Where are the pens?
They're in the desk.
don 't worry...

In △ ABC, if Sina: SINB: sinc = 6:5:4, then cosa=______ .

In △ ABC, we know that sina: SINB: sinc = 6:5:4, let the three sides be 6K, 5K and 4K respectively. From the cosine theorem, we can get cosa = B2 + C2 − a22bc = 25 + 16 − 362 × 5 × 4 = 18, so the answer is: 18

Can the little boy dress_______ .
Fill in the blanks with reflexive pronouns


The school has built two cylindrical flower beds of the same size. The inner diameter of the bottom of the flower bed is 3cm, and the height is 0.8m. If the filling height is 0.5m, how much filling is needed in the two flower beds? What is the answer

3.14 times the square of 1.5 times 0.5 times 2. Do it yourself