What does nod mean

What does nod mean

Nod is an anti-virus software

Take / win the name of

What have you won

win the heart of

Win my heart

My composition

Suddenly looking forward to the real life, it is like a melodious song. From the moment of entering the vast sea of people, this song has been composing happiness and warmth day and night. It contains all things, and beauty is also in life!
No one knows what beauty really is! Although beauty is invisible, it can let us see it with our eyes, smell it with our nose, hear it with our ears, touch it with our hands, and feel it with our heart It may be the melancholy of "the setting sun is infinitely good, but it is just near the dusk"; it may be a circle that can inspire people to constantly explore its mysteries; or it may be just with the kind smile of simple people
Deep in people's hearts: beauty is to lift your arm when you fall, to give you a seat in the car, to relieve you in the rain Beauty once appeared around us, we missed the opportunity to seize it, now it hovers around us again, how it hopes that we can cherish it!
"The spring mountain is as light as a smile, the summer mountain is as green as a drop, the autumn mountain is as clear as makeup, and the winter mountain is as dull as sleep." this is the beauty of the season. "The water is as clear as sunshine, and the mountain is as clear as rain. To compare the West Lake with the West Lake, it's better to wear light and heavy makeup." this is the beauty of things, People who keep order in the waiting station are beautiful in heart!
Beauty is in life! It depends on life, and love lives in our beautiful and splendid life In life, harmony is beauty, tacit understanding is beauty, nature is beauty, simplicity is beauty, creation is beauty, sublation is also beauty. Think carefully, in your heart, what is the image of beauty? Calm down to reflect on beauty, it seems to be the embodiment of everything, do you think so?
People are always tired of this unchanging life, but who really has the idea of pursuing and discovering beauty from the past? People who only focus on complaining about life will never find the beautiful things, beautiful scenery and beautiful soul in life! If you really want to discover beauty, please don't pass it by again, which may help you to reduce many regrets Even if you have no chance to find it, it will still look forward to you, waiting for you to explore its charm!
My friends, have you awakened now? Have you been persuaded by the invisible life? If your answer is yes, let's ride the wind and waves, go forward bravely with strong will to catch up with the pace of beauty, find the true meaning of beauty, and keep beauty in life!

The power of diesel engine a is 1.5 times that of diesel engine B. the efficiency of diesel engine a is 20% and that of diesel engine B is 25%. What is the ratio of fuel consumption per hour between diesel engine a and diesel engine B?

1.5/20% :1/25% = 7.5 :4 = 15 :8

If (a + b) ² + (B + C) ² + (c + D) ² = 4 (AB + BC + CD), how to prove a = b = C = D


What is the definition and derivation of electric power?

Definition of electric power: the work done by current in unit time is electric power
Definition formula of △ electric power: P = w / T
The derivation formula of △ electric power: P = UI, P = u & # 178 / R, P = I & # 178; R

With a 15 meter long rope around the trunk of a tree for five circles, there are still 2.44 meters left. What is the diameter of the tree?

Girth of tree = (15-2.44) △ 5 = 12.56 △ 5 = 2.512 M
Diameter = 2.512 △ 3.14 = 0.8m

In the international system of units, the basic unit of length is ()
A. kmB. mC. mmD. cm

Km, mm and cm are commonly used units of length. In the international system of units, the basic unit is m

As shown in the figure, the masses of two objects connected by light lines on a smooth horizontal plane are M1 = 2kg and M2 = 1kg respectively, and the pulling force F1 = 3N and F2 = 1.5n are in opposite directions. They are on the same horizontal line as the light line. Try to find the pulling force t of the light line in the process of two objects moving

Take two objects as a whole, the mass is m = M1 + M2 = 2 + 1 = 3kg, the combined external force is f = 3-1.5 = 1.5n, the acceleration is a = 1.5n/3kg = 0.5m/s ^ 2, so the acceleration of M1 and M2 is 0.5m/s ^ 2