What is the range of the function y = log4 (4-4x ^ 2)

What is the range of the function y = log4 (4-4x ^ 2)

First find the domain of definition, 4 - 4x & # 178; > 0
So - 1 < x < 1
The range of true number is (0,4]
The range of logarithm is (negative infinity, 1], which is the range

The square + X of the function y = - 2x has the maximum value___ , the maximum value is___

The square + X of function y = - 2x has [maximum], and the maximum is [1 / 8]
So the function has a maximum of 1 / 8

Given the function y (x) = - x square + 2x
1. Find the area s of the plane figure enclosed by the curve y = f (x) and X axis?
2. Find the volume V? Of the body of revolution obtained by rotating the plane figure in the first question around the X axis?

Let x ^ 2 + 2x. = 0
So x = 0, x = 2
Find the area of the plane figure enclosed by the curve y = f (x) and X axis (the upper limit of integration is 2 and the lower limit of integration is 0)
S=∫(2x-x^2.)dx =(x^2-x^3/3)=4-8/3=4/3
2, v = ∫ pie y ^ 2DX = pie (2x-x ^ 2.) ^ 2DX (integral upper limit is 2, integral lower limit is 0)
=Pai (x ^ 5 / 5-x ^ 4 + 4x ^ 3 / 3) = Pai (32 / 5-16 + 32 / 3) = 16 Pai / 15

How to calculate skillfully: (38 / 37 + 42 / 41 + 44 / 43) / (19 / 37 + 21 / 41 + 22 / 43)

The original formula = [2 * (19 / 37 + 21 / 41 + 22 / 43)] / (19 / 37 + 21 / 41 + 22 / 43) = 2

A square ladder is 25m long, leaning against a wall. The top of the ladder is 24m high from the ground, and the bottom of the ladder is 7m away from the wall. When the sliding distance of the top of the ladder is equal to the horizontal sliding distance of the bottom of the ladder, how high is the top of the ladder from the ground?

7 meters
He moved x meters
If x = 0, x = 17
So the height from the top to the ground is 24-17 = 7 meters

A straight line of parallelogram ABCD passing through point a intersects BD with E, intersects BC with F, and the extended line of intersection DC is g. find EA square = EF · eg


A man-made earth satellite runs in a circular orbit with an orbit radius of 6.8 × 103km and a period of 5.6 × 103s. We try to estimate the mass of the earth g = 6.67 × 10-11n · m2 / kg2 from these data

According to the universal gravitation, the centripetal force gmmr2 = MR (2 π T) 2, M = 4 π 2r3gt2 = 6 × 1024kg

The problem of mathematics scale in Grade 6 of primary school:?
Manager Wu recently bought a new house. The scale of the floor plan of this suite is 1:200. The floor plan of this suite is 5.4cm long and 4cm wide. How many square meters is the actual area of this suite? (remember to divide it into units.)
Bedroom area is 16 square meters, 260 yuan per square meter of wood, manager Wu prepared 10000 yuan, enough?
What's 5.4 times 2 for? Please write down the meaning of the process. okay? What I wrote is: 5.5 times 4, then divide by 1 / 200, and then divide into units, right? I made a mistake just now. It's 5.5cm long.

Manager Wu recently bought a new house. The scale of the floor plan of this suite is 1:200. The floor plan of this suite is 5.4cm long and 4cm wide. How many square meters is the actual area of this suite? (remember to divide the unit.) the bedroom area is 16 square meters, 260 yuan per square meter of wood. Manager Wu prepared 10000 yuan

The circumference of a rectangle is 96cm, and its length is three times of its width. What is the area of the rectangle?

Let the width be x cm
So the width is 12cm and the length is 36cm
S rectangle = 36x (10 + 2)
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In 2008, the gross domestic product (GDP) of a city reached 346.653 billion yuan
100 million yuan, take the approximate value with the rounding method, keep three significant figures and express them in scientific notation_ 100 million yuan

In 2008, the gross domestic product (GDP) of a city reached 346.653 billion yuan, which can be expressed as 346.653 billion ≈ 347 billion yuan = 3.47 × 10-179 billion yuan