Calculate (2 + 7 / 9) ^ 0.5 + (2 + 10 / 27) ^ 1 / 3 + LG6 + under root sign (LG6) ^ 2-lg36 + 1

Calculate (2 + 7 / 9) ^ 0.5 + (2 + 10 / 27) ^ 1 / 3 + LG6 + under root sign (LG6) ^ 2-lg36 + 1

(2,7 / 9) ^ 0.5 + (2,10 / 27) ^ 1 / 3 + LG6 + under root sign (LG6) ^ 2-lg36 + 1

Calculation: (25 / 9) ^ 0.5 + (64 / 27) ^ (1 / 3) + LG6 + radical [(LG6) ^ 2-lg36 + 1]

(25 / 9) ^ 0.5 = 5 / 3, (64 / 27) ^ (1 / 3) = 4 / 3, the root sign [...] is a complete square formula: (ig6-1) ^ 2, open out is 1-lg6
So the result is 4



Root of the third power!
If the cubic of 6.67 is equal to 1.882, then what is the cubic of 6670000 and why!

6670000 = 6.67 * 1000000 = 6.67 * 10
The sixth power of 10, the third power of 10 = the square of 10 = 100
So the cubic root of 6670000 is 1.882 * 100 = 188.2

There are 15 tons of chemical fertilizer in a warehouse, 20% of the total weight in the first time, 5 and 4 / 5 tons in the second time

15 * 20% + 5 + 4 / 5 = 8 and 4 / 5 tons
Two times, a total of (8 and 4 / 5) tons

Monotone decreasing interval of function y = 3sin (2x + π / 6) x ∈ [0, π]

If 2x + π / 6 ∈ (π / 2,3 π / 2), then x ∈ (π / 3,2 π / 3)
So the single adjustment and subtraction interval (π / 3,2 π / 3)

If the system of linear inequalities of one variable - 1 ≤ x ≤ 1,2x


Using the transformation method to solve the complex calculation problem (156789 + 567891 + 678915 + 789156 + 891567 + 915678) divide by 9

In the previous addition formula, 1, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 appear once in 100000, 10000, 1000, 100, 10 and individual bits respectively
Therefore, the original formula = 11111 × (1 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9) △ 9

Simple calculation of (4 / 9 + 5 / 6-1 / 3) × 18

It's easy. It's all 18
It's (8 / 18 + 15 / 18-6 / 18) * 18
Then 8 + 15-6 = 17

The original price of Andersen's fairy tales is 24 yuan, but the current price is one sixth lower than the original price. How much cheaper is the current price

4 yuan