I'm going to have to learn all the formulas of logarithmic function in senior high school Better have an explanation Can I have an explanation? Or each, for example

I'm going to have to learn all the formulas of logarithmic function in senior high school Better have an explanation Can I have an explanation? Or each, for example

Logamn = logam + Logan, logam / Logan = logam - Logan, logam ^ n = nlogam, logbn = loganb / logab, logab multiplied by logba = 1, logab * Logbc * logcd = logad, loga (m) B (n) = n / mlogab 1

ABC is positive and 2 ^ a = log (1 / 2) a (a is true) (1 / 2) ^ B = log (1 / 2) B 1 / 2 ^ C = log2c compare the size of ABC

Draw a general picture, it is obvious that C > b > A is fast and accurate

Mathematics, how to find the logarithm of a number?
S = log2 (R); given R, how to find s?

S = log2 (R); R,
First, use the formula of changing the base, take 10 as the common logarithm of the base
S = LGR / LG2 look up the common logarithm table LG2 = 0.3010
Then look up LGR, and finally we can calculate s

Physics, the density of ice
What's the density of ice? Thank you!
Is it 0.8 or 0.9?
I know it's less dense than water, but I don't know which one?
Please be more precise, thank you!

The density of ice is 0.9 g / cm3
The density of water is 1.0 g / cm3

What are Newton's three laws?
Newton's three laws``````

1. Law of inertia: when all objects are no longer under the action of external force, they always keep the state of uniform linear motion or static
2. Law of acceleration: the acceleration of a body is directly proportional to the resultant force of all external forces acting on the body and inversely proportional to the mass of the body
3. Law of action and reaction: the force and reaction between two objects always act on a straight line with equal magnitude and opposite direction

Log 1 / 2 Λ (x Λ & #178; - 1) > log 1 / 2 (2x Λ & #178; - x-3), please help me
When changing the original answer, please change it in the original question, because this phone can only see the original answer. Please set up equations,

Ψ x > 2 or X < - 1 and - 1 < x < 1
There is no solution
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I wish you progress in your study

56 × 44-39 × 44 = simple calculation


A. The result of (A-1) * (b-2) * (C-3) must be odd or even?

It must be even. Because only one of the three multiplication numbers is even, the result is even
Because there are two odd numbers in a, B and C, then at least one of a and C is odd (drawer principle), then at least one of A-1 and C-3 is even, so the result is even

What is 1 / 2 + 1 / 4 + 1 / 8 + 1 / 16 + 1 / 32 + 1 / 64 + 1 / 128

127 out of 128

(2004 * 2004 + 2000 * 3 + 12) / (2004 * 2004 * 2004-2004 * 9) = simple calculation
(2004 * 2004 + 2000 * 3 + 12) / (2004 * 2004 * 2004-2004 * 9) = simple calculation
In a hurry
