How to multiply the same base logarithm

How to multiply the same base logarithm

There is no specific formula, only the formula of the same base logarithm addition or subtraction, division can use the formula of changing base, multiplication can not be used

Not just the results

Original formula = (LG2 + lg5) ^ 3-3 (LG2) ^ 2lg5-3 (lg5) ^ 2lg2 + 3lg5lg2
=1 - 3lg5lg2(lg5+lg2-1)
It's cubic and formula. I hope that's right!

How many ten thousand yuan is one yuan

000 yuan

If x = 2 is a root of the equation 2x2 + 3ax-2a = 0 about X, then the root of the equation y2-3 = a about y is______ .

According to the meaning of the title, substituting x = 2 into the equation 2x2 + 3ax-2a = 0, we get 8 + 6a-2a = 0, we get a = - 2. Substituting a = - 2 into y2-3 = a, we get y = ± 1

Spelling of English words
The teacher found many f— in spelling and grammar in my composition.2 where you will study and that you will do in the future d_ on your hard work now.3 in the past,when choosing parthers in life,people j_ them partly by their appearance.4 the mother g_ put the sleeping baby down on the bed.5 My teacher always explain the difficulty to us in a b_ way.

The teacher found many f— in spelling and grammar in my composition.2 where you will study and WHAT you will do in the future d_ on your hard work now.3 in the past,when choosing parthers in life,people j_ them partly by their appearance.4 the mother g_ put the sleeping baby down on the bed.5 My teacher always explain the difficulty to us in a b_ way.

If S2 = 2, S4 = 10, then S6 equals ()
A. 12B. 18C. 24D. 42

The sum of the first n terms of ∵ arithmetic sequence {an} is SN. S2, s4-s2 and s6-s4 form arithmetic sequence, that is, 2, 8 and s6-10 form arithmetic sequence, 2 + s6-10 = 8 × 2 and S6 = 24, so C is selected

Let z = sin (x + y) e to the power of F (XY), and find & # 601; Z / & # 601; X, & # 601; Z / & # 601; y


One in eleven plus nine in sixteen plus ten in eleven minus ten in sixteen

=(1 / 11 + 10 / 11) - (10 / 16-9 / 16)
=1-1 / 16
=15 out of 16

The volume formula of the ball (diameter or radius)

Sphere volume v = 4 π R & # 179 / 3

The existence of total differential of binary function and the continuity of its partial derivative

The total differential of a function of two variables exists, and the partial derivative is not necessarily continuous. Just like a function of one variable, a function has a derivative at every point, but the derivative is not necessarily continuous