Simple calculation of 18 times 35 plus 81 times 35 plus 35

Simple calculation of 18 times 35 plus 81 times 35 plus 35

The original formula = (18 times 35 + 35) + 81 times 35 = 19 times 35 + 81 times 35 = (19 + 81) times 35 = 100 times 35 = 3500

Given that a straight line L passes through point a (3,4), its inclination angle is twice that of the straight line 2x-y + 1 = 0, the equation of the straight line L is obtained
Such as the title

Y = - 4 / 3 (x-3) + 4 indicates tan2a = 2tana / (1-tana * Tana) Tana = 2
Unknown white hair information

4 out of 7 + 3x out of 7 = 1 to solve the equation (with process)

If the proposition exists that x ∈ R, X & # 178; + 2x + a < 0 is a true proposition, then the value range of real number a is

Because a < - (x ^ 2 + 2x)
And because - (x ^ 2 + 2x) = - (x + 1) ^ 2 + 1 ≤ 1

Simply calculate 123 and 13 moleculars 1 divided by 41 and 39 parts 1

123 and 13 molars 1 divided by 41 and 39 parts 1
=3x (41 and 1 / 39) △ 41 and 1 / 39

It is known that the equation of circle O is x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 = 1, and the line L is tangent to circle O. if the slope of line L is equal to 1, the equation of line L is obtained

Straight line y = x + B
The distance from the center of the circle to the tangent is equal to the radius
Center (0,0) radius 1
So | 0-0 + B | / √ (1 & sup2; + 1 & sup2;) = 1
So X-Y + √ 2 = 0 and X-Y - √ 2 = 0

What is the English word for 21


Y = 1 / (1-x), the expansion of power series at x0 = 2

=(- 1) sum (- 1) ^ n * (X-2) ^ n
N from 0 to + infinity

How many kilometers is 3 kilometers 56 meters,

56m = 0.056km
3km 56m = 3 + 0.056km = 3.056km

If f (x) is a decreasing function on (0, + 00) and f (x power of a) is an increasing function on (- infinity, + infinity), then the range of real number a is () A. (0,1) B. (0,1) U (1, + 00) C. (0, + 00) d. (1, + 00) Note: "00" is infinity
The answer is obviously a, but f (x) is not given in (- 00,0)

F (x) is a decreasing function on (0, + 00) (1)
From the fact that f (to the x power of a) is an increasing function on (- infinity, + infinity), it is obtained that f (to the x power of a) is an increasing function on (- infinity, + infinity)
F (x power of a) is an increasing function on (0, + infinity) (2)
From (1) (2)
Let g (x) = [x power of a] be a decreasing function on (0, + 00)
So the range of a is (0,1)