If f (x) = x (x > 0) with loga as the base, is there any specific formula for derivative of logarithmic function?

If f (x) = x (x > 0) with loga as the base, is there any specific formula for derivative of logarithmic function?

(logax) '= 1 / (xlna) (a > 0, a is not equal to 1), (LNX)' = 1 / X. these two formulas are generally used for logarithmic derivation

Loga ^ m ^ B ^ n = (n / M) loga ^ B this is a logarithmic function, and the derivation formula, loga ^ m ^ B ^ n this is the nth power of B with a as the base M

Bottom changing formula
Left = LGB ^ n / LGA ^ m = nlgb / MLGA = (n / M) LGB / LGA = (n / M) * loga (b) = right

As shown in the figure is the U-I diagram of two resistors A and B. according to the image, we can get: ① RA = 10 Ω, Rb = 20 Ω; ② if the two resistors are connected to the circuit respectively, the two ends of the two resistors are closed
When the voltage ratio is 16:5, the current ratio passing through them is?

The current ratio is 32:5

40 ternary equation calculation questions, pure calculation questions, do not need to apply questions or fill in the blanks and choose

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It uses electricity

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The key depends on what motor, up to 60 km / h

Simple calculation of 3 / 7 × 13 / 2 × 14 × 26
Simple calculation

3 / 7 × 13 / 2 × 14 × 26

The series circuit has an ammeter sliding rheostat connected in series with the bulb, and a voltmeter connected in parallel at both ends of the sliding rheostat. When the resistance value of the sliding rheostat increases, the changes of the brightness, current, voltage and resistance of the bulb and the changes of the voltage expression number of the bulb. Please explain "why" and focus on explaining whether the requirements of the resistance change of the bulb are higher?
Brightness, current, voltage, resistance and voltage representation

The lamp is dimmed (because the current is low), the current is low (because the resistance of the sliding rheostat is high), and the voltage is low (because the resistance of the sliding rheostat is high. The battery is still the same. That is, the total voltage in the whole circuit is constant, According to u = IR, the resistance of the resistor increases, and the voltage distributed by the bulb decreases. The resistance does not change (the lamp is not replaced). However, if the lamp is used for a long time, the resistance seems to increase, because it is hot. The voltmeter's indication increases (for the same reason above, the resistance increases, and the voltage distributed by the bulb increases)

(1)47+3.52+37+48% (2)34×111+111×14 (3)57÷(5-3.9×23) (4)25-25×99100 (5)1000÷32÷0.25÷0.125 (6)3834-15.38+61.25-4.62.
