The definite integral exists. There are finite discontinuities on AB and they are bounded. Are discontinuities all kinds of discontinuities

The definite integral exists. There are finite discontinuities on AB and they are bounded. Are discontinuities all kinds of discontinuities

If we want to be bounded in AB, the discontinuity point cannot be infinite, otherwise the definite integral will become an abnormal integral and may not exist
Jump discontinuities and removable discontinuities can exist

What is the definite integral of integrand 0

The indefinite integral of function 0 is C
Definite integral of function 0 = C-C = 0
It has nothing to do with the upper and lower limits of the integral

Given rational numbers a, B satisfy the condition a > O, B

Because a > O, B0

Aunt Li has 50 chickens and ducks. She sells half of the chickens and buys back 50 ducks. At this time, the number of ducks is three times that of chickens. How many chickens does Aunt Li have?

If the chicken is not sold, there will be two for the chicken and three for the duck
So there were 40 chickens (50 + 50) × 2 / (2 + 3)

. find the range of the function y = x & # 178; + 2x + 3 in the interval [a, 2 + a]

When 2 + a = 2;
When (a + 2 + a) / 2 = - 1, i.e. a = - 2, when the interval is [- 2,0], 2-2 is 2=

Under the leadership of four teachers, 93 students in Grade 7 are going to a place 33 kilometers away from the school for social survey, but only one car can take 25 people. In order to get everyone to the destination as soon as possible, they decide to use the method of combining walking and riding. If you are the commander-in-chief of this operation, how will you arrange them to take the bus so that all teachers and students can get there in the shortest time To the destination? What is the shortest time? (the walking speed of teachers and students is 5km / h, the speed of cars is 55km / h, the time of getting on and off is not counted.)

97 people can be divided into four groups: ①, ②, ③ and ④. The solid line represents the driving route of the car, the dotted line represents the walking route, and the maximum time allowed for each group is t hours AC = 55T, CB = 33-55t. It takes 55T − 5t55 + 5 = 56t (hours) for the car to go from C to D (e to F, G to h as well). After the car arrives at C, it turns back three times and drives to B three times. The total time is 3 × 56t + 3T = 112t. This is also the time for the first group to walk from C to B, so there are some problems The solution of 33-55t = 112t × 5 is t = 25 hours, so the shortest time for all teachers and students to arrive at their destination from school is 25 + 33 − 55 × 255 = 135 hours

General term formula of sequence 1,4 / 5,4 / 5,16 / 17


The second power of (2x-y) - 4 (X-Y) (x + 2Y) =?

(2x-y) - 4 (X-Y) (x + 2Y)
= 4x^2-4xy+y^2 - 4(x^2+xy-2y^2)
= 4x^2-4xy+y^2 - 4x^2-4xy+8y^2
= -8xy+9y^2

There are 60 workers producing sunglasses in a workshop. One worker can produce 200 lenses or 50 frames per day. How to allocate workers to produce lenses and frames so that the products produced every day can be matched?

If x people produce lenses, then (60-x) people produce frames. From the meaning of the question, we can get: 200X = 2 × 50 × (60-x), the solution is x = 20, 60-x = 40

Arrange the natural numbers according to the following rules, then what are the rows and columns of 2008?
First column, second column, third column, fourth column. First row 129 10. Second row 43 8 11. Third row 56 7 12. Fourth row 16 15 14 13. Fifth row 17

Line 17, column 45, right?