ABC is the three sides of △ ABC. When the quadratic function y = (a + b) x ^ 2 + 2cx - (a-b) is x = - 1 / 2, the minimum value - A / 2 is obtained and the triangle shape is obtained Forgive me for being stupid, The chords AB and CD of circle o do not intersect, ab = 6, BC = 8, the sum of degree of two arcs is 180, and the area of two arcs is calculated

ABC is the three sides of △ ABC. When the quadratic function y = (a + b) x ^ 2 + 2cx - (a-b) is x = - 1 / 2, the minimum value - A / 2 is obtained and the triangle shape is obtained Forgive me for being stupid, The chords AB and CD of circle o do not intersect, ab = 6, BC = 8, the sum of degree of two arcs is 180, and the area of two arcs is calculated

When the quadratic function y = (a + b) x ^ 2 + 2cx - (a-b) obtains the minimum value - A / 2 when x = - 1 / 2, we can get y = (a + b) x ^ 2 + 2cx - (a-b) = (x + 1 / 2) ^ 2-A / 2 = x ^ 2 + X + 1 / 4-A / 2, we can get a + B = 12C = 1 - (a-b) = 1 / 4-A / 2 solution, we can get a = 1 / 2, B = 1 / 2, C = 1 / 2, that is △ ABC is equilateral triangle, the side length is 1 / 2

When m > n > 1 (m, n belongs to integer), it is proved that (n · m ^ m) ^ n > (m · n ^ n) ^ m >

That is to say, when n > m > 1, n · ln (n) / (n-1) > m · 1n (m) / (m-1) holds
Construct a function f (x) = x1nx / (x-1) (x > 1)
Then f '(x) = (x-1nx-1) / (x-1) &;
Let g (x) = x-1nx-1 (x > 1), then G '(x) = 1 - (1 / x) = (x-1) / x > 0
The monotonic increase of ∧ g (x) over (1, + ∞)
And G (1) = 0, х g (x) > 0 х f '(x) > 0
The monotonic increase of ∧ f (x) on (1, + ∞)
When n > m > 1, n · ln (n) / (n-1) > m · 1n (m) / (m-1) Note: here, you can change the symbol to understand the thought

In the triangle ABC, ab = AC, BAC = 120 degrees, D is the midpoint of BC, De is perpendicular to AB and E, EB = 3EA is proved
Sorry, I can't do that

Let DB = 2, because the angle B = 30 °, so EB = root 3
AE = root 3, so EB = 3EA

5 square decimeters = () square meters

5 square decimeter = 0.05 square meter
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A rectangular playground, 100 meters long and 75 meters wide. After the expansion, the length and width have increased by a meter. How many square meters has the playground increased@
Tell me about it

After the increase, the length of the playground is 100 + a
The width of the increased playground is 75 + a
Increased playground area: (100 + a) (75 + a)
The increased area of playground: (100 + a) (75 + a) - 100 × 75 = A & # 178; + 175A

There is a triangle with a circumference of 10cm, one side of which is 7cm long and the other side is 10cm long. How many cm is the third side?

I think
It doesn't exist!

A @ - 2A of 4-A @, where @ is the square

It's a minus (a + 2)

Each of the following graphs is a triangle shaped pattern composed of several potted flowers. Each side (including two vertices) has n (n > 1) potted flowers. The total number of pots of each pattern is s. according to this rule, the relationship between S and N is___ .

When n = 2, s = 1 + 2 = 12 × 2 (2 + 1) = 3; when n = 3, s = 1 + 2 + 3 = 12 × 3 (3 + 1) = 6; when n = 4, s = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 12 × 4 × (4 + 1) = 10 When n = n, s = n (n + 1) 2

What are the characteristics and functions of upper and lower epidermal cells of plant leaves

There is a layer of wax on the upper surface to prevent water evaporation
There are pores in the lower epidermis, gas flow and water evaporation


If you don't understand, you are welcome to ask,