What is the logarithm of (lg5) & sup2; + LG & sup2; × LG50 power + log with 2 as the base 32?

What is the logarithm of (lg5) & sup2; + LG & sup2; × LG50 power + log with 2 as the base 32?

The logarithm of (lg5) & sup2; + LG2 * LG50 + log with 2 as the base 32

When a 4V voltage is applied at both ends of a resistor, the current passing through it is 0.2A. If the current passing through it is to be 0.6A, it should be applied at both ends of the resistor___ V voltage

According to Ohm's law, the resistance value of the resistance: r = UI = 4v0.2a = 20 Ω, ∵ the resistance value of the resistance has nothing to do with the voltage at both ends and the current passing through it, ∵ when the current passing through it is 0.6A, the resistance value of the resistance does not change, at this time, the voltage at both ends of the resistance: u '= I'r = 0.6A × 20 Ω = 12V

Observe the following formulas: 1 & sup2; + 1 = 1x2,2 & sup2; + 2 = 2x3,3 & sup2; + 3 = 3x4


Resistance R1. In R2 series circuit, the voltage at both ends of R1 is 3V, R2 is 9V, and the sum of resistance values of R1 and R2 is 600 ohm

Ohm's law I = u / R

1. To solve the equation: 16x & # 178; - 8x + 1 = 2 2, to solve the equation: (2y-1) &# 178; = (3Y + 4) &# 178;

The first: (4x-1) & # 178; = 2,4x-1 = ± radical 2, x = (1 ± radical 2) / 4
Second: 2y-1 = 3Y + 4 or 2y-1 = - (3Y + 4), y = - 5 or y = - 3 / 5

The factors that affect the conductor resistance are as follows______ 、______ 、______ And______ .

Resistance is a property of the conductor itself. Its size is only related to the material, length, cross-sectional area and temperature of the conductor. It has nothing to do with the voltage at both ends of the conductor, the current passing through the conductor and the power consumed by the conductor

Mother bought back a box of pears. If everyone ate 4 pears, there would be 24 more pears. If everyone ate 6 pears, there would be 4 fewer pears. How many people are there in the family?
Fifth graders rented some boats for rowing activities. If each boat had five people, there would be five more. If each boat had five people, there would be four vacancies. Q: how many boats did you rent?
Fifth grade students rented some boats to do rowing activities. If there are four people in each boat, there will be five more. If there are five people in each boat, there will be four vacancies. Q: how many boats have you rented?

1. There are x people in my family
4X+24 =6X -4
2X = 28
X = 14
2. The fifth graders rented some boats for rowing activities. If there were four people in each boat, there would be five more. If there were five people in each boat, there would be four vacancies. Q: how many boats did you rent?
We chartered x ships
4X +5 =5X - 4
X = 9

Rated power 800W electrical appliances. How many kilowatt hours of electricity consumption?

0.8 degrees

Factorization problem in grade 2 of junior high school: simple operation: (2012 * 2014 + 1) / (2014 ^ 2-4028 + 1)

So 2013 ^ 2 / 2013 ^ 2 = 1

Electrical energy stored in a battery for subsequent use
What is the part of electric energy stored in batteries or capacitors in the form of charging conversion, compared with the electric energy directly used in electrical appliances, such as lighting!?

Stored in the battery called chemical energy, energy stored in the capacitor because there is no energy conversion, is electrical energy