High school mathematics logarithm operation all formulas

High school mathematics logarithm operation all formulas

If logmn is negative 1, then the minimum value of 2m plus 3N is

Logmn = - 1, then Mn = 1,2m + 3N > = 2sqrt (6MN) = 2 times radical 6

What is the simple algorithm of 1997 + 1998 + 1999 + 1998 * 97?


1. The essential difference between animals and plants is ()
A. Animals can move but plants can't. B. animals and plants are different in structure. C. plants need to feed but animals don't. D. animals and plants have different ways of obtaining nutrients
Which of the following is the biggest difference between a peach tree and a dog
A. Don't eat B, can't run
C. Can make their own nutrients D, no hair

Please LZ pay attention to "essential difference"
A no, there is an algae that can move by its tentacles
Different B structure does not mean different essence
C plants feed through photosynthesis
This problem is similar to Shangti
"The biggest difference" is "essential difference"

If the upper bottom of a trapezoid is extended by 5cm, its area will be increased by 25cm, and it will become a parallelogram. If the upper bottom of the original trapezoid is 5cm,
How many square centimeters is the area of the original trapezoid?

Make a parallel line of the other waist through the extension point,
Then the trapezoid area is 1 parallelogram area plus 1 triangle area
Because the area of the small parallelogram is twice that of the increased triangle, the original triangle area is equal to the increased triangle area
Therefore, the trapezoidal area is three times the increased triangle area, that is, the trapezoidal area = 3 * 25 = 75 square centimeters

What is the simple calculation of 38 + 62-38 + 62

Please answer the questions,
1. The price of a basketball is 48 yuan. The price of a football is 7 / 16 cheaper than basketball. How much is the price of a football?
2. For a parallelogram, the bottom is 75 meters, one fourth longer than the height. How many square meters is the area of this piece of land?
3. It takes 5 hours for a car to drive from a to B, and 4 hours for a motorcycle to drive from Yiti to a. the car and motorcycle start from a and B at the same time, and travel in opposite directions. How many hours later are the two cars separated by 1 / 10 of the whole journey?

Closing speed 1 / 4 + 1 / 5 = 9 / 20
Distance 1-1 / 10 = 9 / 10
Time (9 / 10) / (9 / 20) = 2

For square ABCD, e is the midpoint of CD, f is the upper point of AD, and ad = 4df, FG ⊥ BF in G

FG is perpendicular to BF?

What is the order of magnitude of the diameter of a general molecule? What is the order of magnitude of the molecular mass?

The order of diameter is 10 ^ - 10
Quality. I'm looking for it, too

A cylindrical wood is processed into the largest cone, and the volume of the cut part is ()% of that of the cone

The volume of a cone is equal to 1 / 3 of the volume of a cylinder with the same base and height
So, cut off part of the cone (200)%