Pronunciation and word formation of Gong

Pronunciation and word formation of Gong

For, polyphonic word
1. Pinyin: G ō ng
Prepare things for people in need: give. Ask. Answer. Need. Sell. Don't ask
2. Pinyin: g'ng
① Dedication: nourish, offer, offer, Buddha and serve
② Things for sacrifice: table, goods, fruit
③ To state the above facts in court when being interrogated

Two pronunciations of bone and word formation
What's the third note

[g ǔ]: backbone bone Qi
Gu Lu Gu duo er
Third pronunciation: [g ú]

Let y = sin (π / 2x + π / 3) be the minimum value of absolute value x1-x2 if x 1 and x 2 make f (x1) ≤ f (x) ≤ f (x2) constant for any x ∈ R

It can be seen from the meaning that f (x1) = f (x) min = - 1 = > sin (π / 2x1 + π / 3) = - 1 = > π / 2x1 + π / 3 = 2K1 π - π / 2 = > X1 = 1 / (4k1-5 / 3) similarly, f (x2) = f (x) max = 1 = > sin (π / 2x2 + π / 3) = 1 = > π / 2x2 + π / 3 = 2k2 π + π / 2 = > x2 = 1 / (4k2 + 1 / 3) | x1-x2 | = | 1 / (4k1-5 / 3) - 1 / (4k2 + 1 / 3) |

In solving the binary linear equations {ax + 5Y = 15, 4x by = - 2}, Xiaoqiang misread the value of a in the equations due to carelessness,
And the solution is {x = - 3, y = - 1} Xiao Liang misread the value of B in the equations, and the solution is {x = 5, y = 4}
(1) How much does Xiaoqiang think of a? How much does Xiaoliang think of B?
(2) Can you find the correct values of a and B to write the original equations?

(1) Substituting {x = - 3, y = - 1} into ax + 5Y = 15 gives a = - 20 / 3
Substituting {x = 5, y = 4} into 4x-by = - 2 gives B = 11 / 2
Xiaoqiang sees a as - 20 / 3, Xiaoliang sees B as 11 / 2
(2) Xiaoqiang is wrong about a, but B is right
Substituting {x = - 3, y = - 1} into 4x-by = - 2 gives B = 10
Xiao Liang is wrong about B, but a is right
Substituting {x = 5, y = 4} into ax + 5Y = 15 gives a = - 1
The original equations are - x + 5Y = 15

Use the eight numbers 1-8 to make two four digit numbers, so that the difference is 4444
8765-4321 = 4444 need 12 quick answers
I want twelve answers


In the space rectangular coordinate system o-xyz, we know that the coordinates of a and B are a (3,5, - 7), B (- 2, - 1,1), then the length of line AB is____

Using Pythagorean theorem, first calculate the difference of X, y, Z between a and B, then find the sum of squares of the three differences, and finally open a square root. The result should be 5 times the root sign 5

Does inverse scale function image y = 2 / X have symmetry axis?

Yes, there are two
One is a bisector of three quadrants, that is y = X
One is the bisector of two or four quadrants, that is y = - X

What does the symbol mean?

It is not the sum of addition, but the parallel sum, such as you and me

a> 1, b > 1, then the value range of loga B + logb A is 0

When logab = 1 / logab
Take, etc
The value range is [2, positive infinity]

Given that a, B, C are the edges of △ ABC, and the square of a - AB + 4ac-4bc = 0, try to judge the shape of △ ABC

That is, a = B
So the shape of △ ABC is an isosceles triangle