On the pronunciation of vowels and consonants Just now I found a vowel: a e i o U Consonant: B D G v r Z n p m T C (k g) f l s h j x Are these for reading letters or for speaking? For example, are the original sounds for reading, shorting or pronouncing letters?

On the pronunciation of vowels and consonants Just now I found a vowel: a e i o U Consonant: B D G v r Z n p m T C (k g) f l s h j x Are these for reading letters or for speaking? For example, are the original sounds for reading, shorting or pronouncing letters?

When you are just beginning to learn, just learn their pronunciation. Don't remember their names, such as &; - B

If the natural numbers are arranged according to the following rules, the position of 2012 is row and column
First column, second column, third column, fourth column
First line 1 2 9 10
The second line 4 3 8 11
The third line 5 6 7 12
The fourth line 16 15 14 13
Line five 17

When the numbers form a 45 * 45 square matrix, because 45 is odd, 2025 is in the upper right corner, the first row and the 45th column. 2024 is below 2025, and 2023 is below 2025 2025-2012 = 13, so 2012 is in row 13 + 1 = 14, that is, 14 rows and 45 columns

The product of all nonnegative integers whose absolute value is not greater than 6 is


English translation
Jim:Hi ,Lucy!What do you think is the most interesting subject?
Lucy:Math ,I 1    .What about you?
Jim:I think English is 2     interesting than math.
Lucy:Why do you think
Jim:English is Quite useful and our English teacher is kind to us.But math is a little boring.4     subject do you think is the 5     boring?
Lucy:I ’m not sure.Maybe Chinese.
Jim:I 6 . there are too many Chinese characters to remember
Fill in the blanks in English

think more so which most disagree

There are 160 red, yellow and white balls. Take out 1 / 3 red ball, 1 / 4 yellow ball, 1 / 5 white ball and 120 left. If you take out 1 / 5 red ball, 1 / 4 yellow ball, 1 / 3 white ball and
Take out 160 red balls 1 / 3 yellow balls 1 / 4 white balls 1 / 5 left 120. If you take out red balls 1 / 5 yellow balls 1 / 4 white balls 1 / 3 left 116, how many balls each?

Let the number of red, yellow and white spheres be x, y, Z, then 160-120 = x / 3 + Y / 4 + Z / 5 - - - (1) 160-116 = x / 5 + Y / 4 + Z / 3 - - - (2) x + y + Z = 160 - - - (3) from (1) to (2) 4 = 2 / 15 (z-x), namely z-x = 30 - - - (4) from (1) to (2) 84 = Y / 2 + 8 / 15 (x + Z)

How many meters is 46 cm

46 cm = 0.46 M

How many rectangles are there in the figure below? Please give me a simple way to count them,


Find the formula and answer of the following questions,
51. One quarter of a highway has been built, and the rest is 50 kilometers more than the one already built. How many kilometers is the highway long?
52. After a pile of 80 tons of coal has been transported out, the remaining coal is 5 tons more than the original 1 / 4. How many tons of coal was it?
53. A pile of coal has burned 80 tons, 16 tons less than 3 / 5 of this pile of coal. How many tons of this pile of coal?
54. It is planned to cost 3.3 million yuan to build a ship, which is 20000 yuan less than 3 / 5 of the plan. How much is the actual cost?
55. The original price of a commodity was 400 yuan. First, the price was increased by 1 / 4, and then by 1 / 4. How much is the current price?
56. There are 90 players in the two sports teams of the school. If one tenth of team a is transferred to team B, then the number of the two teams is equal. How many players did team a have?
57. For two bookshelves, the number of books put by a is 3 / 4 of that of B. If a gives B 15 books, the books on the two bookshelves will be equal. How many books are there in B?
58. The two cars respectively leave from the two cities of a and B and meet in 4 hours. It is known that the bus travels 72 kilometers per hour, and the freight car travels 1 / 3 of the whole journey when they meet. How many kilometers are there between the two cities?
59. One third of a pile of coal is used in the first day, and 250 kg less than the first day is used in the second day. There are 650 kg of this batch of coal left. How many kg of this pile of coal was used?
60. The master and the apprentice produce a batch of parts. The master makes 19 more parts than the apprentice, and the apprentice makes 3 / 7 of the total. How many parts are there in total?
61. A car has to transport a batch of fruits in two days. The first day it carries 2 / 5 of all the fruits, which is 16 tons less than the second day. How many tons of these fruits are there?
62. Team a built two fifths of the total length of the road, team B built 48 meters less than team a, and team C built 15 kilometers. How long is the road?
63. One fourth of a barrel of oil was used for the first time, and 30 kg more was used for the second time than for the first time. One fifth of the barrel was left. How many kg of oil was used in this barrel?
64. Xiaoying read a book. On the first day, she read 1 / 3 of the whole book. On the second day, she read 13 pages less than on the first day. At this time, she still hasn't read half of the book. How many pages does the book have?
65. A batch of coal burns 5 / 9 tons in the first day, and the remaining 5 / 9 tons in the second day. A total of 2 tons are burned in the two days. How many tons of coal is this pile
66. When reading a book, you read 4 / 33 of the whole book on the first day, and 7 more pages on the second day than on the first day. At this time, the number of pages you have read is 3 / 8 of the number you haven't read. How many pages are there in this book?
67. There are 200 cases of apples and 120 cases of pears in the store. Take out the same number to sell. The remaining pears are just 1 / 5 of the apples. How many cases of apples and oranges do you take out to sell?
68. There is a bamboo pole less than 6 meters long. If you measure 3 meters from one end of the bamboo pole to make a mark a and 3 meters from the other end to make a mark B, then the distance between AB and ab is 1 / 6 of the total length. How long is the bamboo pole?
There are four squadrons in 69 and 61 squadrons. There are 19 people in the first two squadrons and 35 people in the second three four squadrons. The second squadron accounts for one fifth of the whole squadron. How many people are there in the whole squadron?
70. Party A and Party B have 128 books in total, Party B and Party C have 160 books in total, and Party A's is 2 / 7 of Party C's. how many books does Party C have?

51. The rest accounts for 3 / 4, so [(3 / 4) - (1 / 4)] x = 50, x = 100
52. Let X be x, x-80-1 / 4x = 5, x = 340 / 3
The rest of the model on the two problems, the equation can be

How many tons of water is a cubic meter of water?

Under normal temperature and pressure, the weight of one cubic meter of water is 1000 kg (that is, one ton), but the density of water changes with the change of temperature or air pressure. When the air pressure increases and the temperature decreases (there is no ice), the density of water increases. At this time, the weight of one cubic meter of water is greater than one ton. On the contrary, if the air pressure decreases, the density of water decreases with the increase of air temperature, A cubic meter of water weighs less than a ton. Got it?

Mathematical problems of finding regular rational numbers
1 + (- 2) + 3 + (- 4) + 5 + (- 6) +. + 99 + (- 100)=
If a = 3, B = - 4, C = - 5

5+(-6) =(-1)
And so on, 100 numbers, 50 pairs, the answer is (- 50)
I can't understand the second question