Words with short vowels Give me one of all the short vowel words. It's seven short vowels. Give me one English word for each short vowel

Words with short vowels Give me one of all the short vowel words. It's seven short vowels. Give me one English word for each short vowel


Make three words with short vowels a, e, I, O, u, respectively
Don't repeat the following
A:bag dad map fat hat pat
E:bed get bet net wet yes
I:bit his drink lip mint grid
O:hot got not lot mod pot
U:bus fun hurry muffin mug fun but

I:him dig big
O:cot dog blog

How much is the current price of a commodity, which will be reduced by 1 / 10 first and then increased by 1 / 10?

It's 99% of the original price, which is 9.9% off
For example, if 100 yuan is reduced by 1 / 10, it will be 10 yuan, 100-10 = 90 yuan
90 is up. One tenth of his price is 9 yuan. 90 + 9 = 99 yuan

We know that the function f (x) whose domain is r satisfies f (f (x) - x2 + x) = f (x) - x2 + X. (I) if f (2) = 3, find f (1); and if f (0) = a
Since f (x) - x ^ 2 + x = f (x) - x ^ 2 + X, is f (x) = x Tenable? Then why is f (2) = 3? Explain it clearly

F (x) = x does not necessarily hold
Let y = f (x) - X & # 178; + X, from the topic meaning, then f (y) = y holds
For real numbers in the range of function y = f (x) - X & # + X, f (y) = y holds

Solving the equation: X-5 = four fifths x + 4

X-5 = four fifths x + 4
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The price of a color TV set in the shopping mall is 1200 yuan, which is 300 yuan lower than the original price. How much is the price reduction

The price of color TV is reduced: 300 △ 1200 × 100% = 25%
The price of color TV is reduced by 25%

Given that M is a non-zero root of the equation x2-2005x + 1 = 0, find the value of m2-2004m + M2 + 1 / 2005
It's M2 + 1 / 2005

It is known that M is a nonzero root of the equation x2-2005x + 1 = 0
So m2-2005m + 1 = 0
That is M2 + 1 = 2005m
M2-2004m + (M2 + 1): 2005
=M2-2005m + m + (2005m)
=-1 + m + 1 / M
=-1 + m (M2 + 1)
=-1 + m (2005m)

If the algebraic expressions 2A + 1 and 1 + 2a are opposite to each other, then a=______ .

∵ the algebraic formula 2A + 1 and 1 + 2a are opposite to each other ∵ 2A + 1 + (1 + 2a) = 0, and the solution is a = - 12

If a commodity is sold at 80% of the marked price, it will get a profit of 960 yuan. If it is sold at 80% of the marked price, it will lose 832 yuan compared with the cost price. What is the cost price of this commodity?

(960 + 832) △ 1-80% = 1792 △ 20% = 8960 (yuan) 8960-960 = 8000 (yuan) a: the cost price of this commodity is 8000 yuan

Choose five different numbers from the nine numbers 1-9 to form a five digit number, which can be divided by 3, 5, 7 and 11. What is the maximum number

1155 * 85 = 98175 (meet the requirements)
1155 * 86 = 99330 (does not meet the requirements, there is no 0 in 1-9)
1155 * 87 = 100485 (not meet the requirements, not 5 digits)