Finding the n-order derivative of y = (x + 2) 1 / 2 Detailed steps, do not appear! This symbol (arts students do not understand). Thank you

Finding the n-order derivative of y = (x + 2) 1 / 2 Detailed steps, do not appear! This symbol (arts students do not understand). Thank you

How to calculate the four-dimensional sphere x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 + Z ^ 2 = w ^ 2 with multiple integral
Wrong, x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 + Z ^ 2 + W ^ 2

It is similar to triple integral, but it needs more than one. If the domain is defined, there will be more layers. For example, the first layer 0

Altair and Vega are 16 light-years away. How many times is the distance between them that the sun is from the earth?

The distance between the sun and the earth is 150 million kilometers, which is 8.8 light minutes
1 light year = 360 * 24 * 60 = 518400 light minutes
So it's about 940000 times, or a million times

Which two ancient Chinese mathematicians made great contributions to the calculation of the approximate value of Pi

Liu Hui of the Three Kingdoms founded the circle cutting technique,
Zu Chongzhi of the southern and Northern Dynasties accurately calculated pi to seven decimal places

Calculate ∫ ∫ (1-x-y) DXDY, where D is a plane region bounded by a straight line x = 0, y = 0, x + y = 1

∫∫(1-x-y)dxdy =∫1dx∫1-x (1-x-y)dy=∫1 1/2(1-x)^2dx=1/6
D 0 0 0

Given LG2 = 0.3010, find log2 * 5

= lg5/lg2
= (1 - lg2)/lg2
= (1 - 0.3010)/0.3010
= 2.322

Clever calculation

Every six numbers are divided into a group to get 1998 + 1997 + 1996-1995-1994-1993 + 1992 + 1991 + 1990 -. + 6 + 5 + 4-3-2-1 = = (1998 + 1997 + 1996-1995-1994-1993) +. + (6 + 5 + 4-3-2-1). Obviously, the result of each group is 3, so the original formula = 6 × 333 = 1998

The right focus of the ellipse x2 A2 + Y2 B2 1 is f, a (A2 / C, 0), and there is a vertical bisector on the ellipse whose point P satisfies the line AP
If there is a point P on the ellipse and the vertical bisector of the line AP passes through the point F, then the value range of the eccentricity of the ellipse is

If the integer a is prime, then a is odd. Right?

No, 2 is prime, but 2 is even
But all prime numbers except 2 are odd

If loga 2

It is known that: loga 2 < logb 2 < 0, loga 2 = LG2 / LGA, logb 2 = LG2 / B, substituting into known, there are: LG2 / LGA < LG2 / LGB < 01 / LGA < 1 / LGB < 0, LGB < 0, so: a < 1, B < 1, according to the definition of logarithm, there are: a > 0, B > 0, LGA > lgba > B, that is: the value range of a > Ba, B