a> 0, b > 0, C | B | > | a |, is to compare the size of ABC, a + B, a + C, B + C Compare the size of a, B, C, a + B, a + C, B + C

a> 0, b > 0, C | B | > | a |, is to compare the size of ABC, a + B, a + C, B + C Compare the size of a, B, C, a + B, a + C, B + C


Mathematical quadratic function problems
A hotel has 50 rooms for tourists to live in. When the price of each room is 180 yuan per day, all the rooms will be full. When the price of each room is increased by 10 yuan per day, there will be a room free. If tourists live in a room, the hotel will have to spend 20 yuan per day for each room. When the price of the room is, the profit of the hotel is the largest?

Set the house price as (180 + 10x) yuan
Profit y = (180 + 10x) (50-x) - (50-x) × 20
When x = 17, that is, the room price is 180 + 170 = 350 yuan, the profit is the biggest
The biggest profit is 10890 yuan
Please accept as "satisfactory answer"

Cut a piece of paper with a side length of 10 cm into the largest circle. What percentage of the area of the circle is that of the square?

The area of the circle: S = π R2 = 3.14 × (10 △ 2) 2 = 78.5 (square centimeter); the area of the square: S = A2 = 10 × 10 = 100 (square centimeter); 78.5 △ 100 = 78.5%; answer: the area of the circle is 78.5% of the area of the square

The fifth power of half x + 16 = 0
And it has to be tested

The fifth power of half x + 16 = 0x ^ 5 + 32 = 0

A practical problem
There is a polynomial ax & sup2; + bx-4. When x = 1 and x = - 4, the value of this polynomial is 0. Is it possible? If you think it is possible, ask for this polynomial. If you think it is impossible, please explain the reason

Substituting x = 1, x = - 4
A + B-4 = 0
The solution is a = 1
Polynomial: x ^ 2 + 3x + 4

A cylinder with a circumference of 9.42 cm at the bottom is obliquely cut off from the middle. The cut shape is shown in the figure. What is the cut volume?

9.42 ﹣ 3.14 ﹣ 2 = 1.5 (CM) 3.14 × 1.52 × 4 + 3.14 × 1.52 × (6-4) ﹣ 2 = 28.26 + 7.065 = 35.325 (cm3). A: the cut volume is 35.325 cm3

There is a word to describe the sunlight passing through the leaves and sprinkling to the shade of trees?


What is Dalton's law of partial pressure of ideal gas? Write out the mathematical expression and explain the meaning of each symbol in the expression

The total pressure of an ideal gas mixture is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of its components. The expression P = Pi, where p is the total pressure of the gas mixture;
- sum of 1 to n components;
Pi - partial pressure of a component in the gas mixture

Six squares with side length of 2cm form a rectangle. The perimeter of the rectangle may be (), or () and the area of the rectangle is () cm square

Six squares with side length of 2cm form a rectangle. The perimeter of the rectangle may be (28) or (20), and the area of the rectangle is (24) cm square

The simple calculation is 85.07 - (15.3-4.8) + 5.5,
