A cylindrical reservoir with a bottom radius of 10 meters can store 1256 cubic meters of water. If the depth of the reservoir is 1.5 meters, how much can it store?

A cylindrical reservoir with a bottom radius of 10 meters can store 1256 cubic meters of water. If the depth of the reservoir is 1.5 meters, how much can it store?

Bottom area = 3.14 × 10 & # 178; = 314 square meters
After excavation, the water storage is increased = 314 × 1.5 = 471 m3
So the reservoir can store water = 1256 + 471 = 1727 cubic meters

24 points: 3,4, - 6,10 (3 species); 3, - 5,7, - 13 (1 species)


Given that the function y = ax3-15x2 + 36x-24 has an extreme value at x = 3, the decreasing interval of the function is ()
A. (-∞,1),(5,+∞)B. (1,5)C. (2,3)D. (-∞,2),(3,+∞)

For the derivative of the function y = ax3-15x2 + 36x-24, we get y '= 3ax2-30x + 36 ∵ the function y = ax3-15x2 + 36x-24 has an extreme value at x = 3, when x = 3, y' = 27a-54 = 0, the solution is a = 2, so we can get the analytic formula of the function y = 2x3-15x2 + 36x-24, y '= 6x2-30x + 36, and solve the inequality y' < 0, 2 < x < 3 ∵

0.76 m3 = () cubic decimeter = () liter

As shown in the figure, the front view and side view of a simple space geometry are equilateral triangles with side length of 2, and the outline of the top view is square. Try to describe the characteristics of the geometry, and calculate the volume and surface area of the geometry

The three view restoration geometry is a square with side length of 2 at the bottom, a pyramid with oblique height of 2, and a regular pyramid with height of 3. V = 13s, bottom H = 13 × 22 × 3 = 433, and the side of the pyramid is an isosceles triangle. If its height is H ', then h ′ = (3) 2 + 12 = 2, s surface = 4S △ + s bottom = 4 × 12 × 22 + 22 = 12. A: the volume of the geometry is 433, and the surface area is 12

Write a parabola function expression with the opening upward and the axis of symmetry x = 3

a> 0 B arbitrary

What's the weight of a cubic meter of reinforced concrete

The weight of 1 cubic meter of reinforced concrete is 25kn, which is about 2551kg

Factorization 4xy + 1-x ^ 2-4y ^ 2

Original = - [(X & # 178; - 4xy + 4Y & # 178;) - 1]

Given that parabola C1: y = 2x2 and parabola C2 are symmetric with respect to line y = - x, then the Quasilinear equation of C2 is ()
A. x=18B. x=-18C. x=12D. x=-12

Because the Quasilinear equation of y = 2x2 is y = - 18 and the symmetric equation of y = - x is x = 18, the Quasilinear equation of parabola is x = 18, so a is selected

Who can explain the meaning and meaning of junior high school physics?

Don't you write about it in your book? Physics is a subject of studying "force, heat, sound, photoelectricity". It seems to be memorized. But I'll give you the meaning of physics Physics: (1) the internal law of things, the truth of things. (2) physics. Physics is the study of material structure, material