What is the monotone increasing interval of the square X of COS and sin

What is the monotone increasing interval of the square X of COS and sin

The increasing interval is 2K π - π ≤ 2x ≤ 2K π
The results show that K π - π / 2 ≤ x ≤ K π
The increasing interval is [K π - π / 2, K π], where k ∈ Z

The monotone interval of function y = sin (x + π / 4) is?

Let the whole in brackets be t, then y = sin (T), then the monotone interval is (- π + 2K π, π + 2K π) increasing (π + 2K π, 2 π + 2K π) decreasing, then x + π / 4 is in the above two ranges
So when x is (- 5 π / 4 + 2K π, 3 π / 4 + 2K π), it is increasing and decreasing. You can calculate it yourself

The proof of the derivation of SiNx?

According to the definition of derivative, there are:
=Cosx, proved
Here we use LIM (△ x → 0) cos (△ x) = cos0 = 1 and sin △ x →△ x when △ x → 0

How to derive SiNx?

Derivative can be obtained according to the definition of derivative. The steps of using the definition to obtain the derivative of function y = f (x) at x0 are as follows: ① find the increment of function Δ y = f (x0 + Δ x) - f (x0), ② find the average rate of change, and ③ take the limit. For SiNx, there is (SiNx) '= Lim [sin (x + △ x) - SiNx] / (△ x), where △ x → 0, expand sin (x + △ x) - SiNx, that is sinxcos △ x + cosxsin △ x-sinx, because △ x → 0, cos △ x → 1, Thus, sinxcos △ x + cosxsin △ x-sinx → cosxsin △ x, then (SiNx) '= LIM (cosxsin △ x) / △ x, here we must use an important limit (pinch criterion). When △ x → 0, LIM (sin △ x) / △ x = 1, then (SiNx)' = cosx.. we hope to adopt it in time

What is the result of N times derivation of SiNx?


What is the sixth derivative of (SiNx / x)?


What is the square of SiNx
All the possibilities


Derivative of sin2x (help!


The n-th derivative of sin2x is

If the order of SiNx is sin (x + n π / 2), then the order of sin2x is 2 ^ n sin (2x + n π / 2)

The derivative of y = x × SiNx + cos2x is
