If the solution of the equation x + k = 2-3x is x = - 1, then the value of K is

If the solution of the equation x + k = 2-3x is x = - 1, then the value of K is


The root of equation (3x-4) ^ 2 - (3x-4) = 0 is

3X-4)^2-(3X-4)=0 (3X-4)(3X-5)=0 x=4/3 x=5/3

5x-3x ^ 2 = 0 to find the root of the equation

Then x = 0 or 5-3x = 0
Then x = 0 or x = 5 / 3

Find the law 19.5 18 15.5 12 7.5
In the form of n

The gap is widening
19.5 18 15.5 12 7.5 2

If eight three digit continuous natural numbers can be divided by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 in turn, the smallest of the eight three digit numbers is______ .

Since the multiples of 7 are relatively small, consider from 7, let the multiples of 7 be n; the first number N-1 of n should be a multiple of 6, that is, it must be an even number divisible by 3, so the multiples of 7 should be odd; the second number n-2 of n should be a number divisible by 5, so n should be a number ending with 7; in conclusion, we should find n from the three digits of the multiples of 7 ending with 7, and, Because n-1 is divided by 6, and n ends with 7, the two digits of N consisting of 100 and 10 digits should be divided by 3; therefore, the n should be one of 217, 427, 637, 847; while N + 1 is divided by 8, 218, 428, 638 are excluded, and only 848 is satisfied; it is verified that 1 is divided by 841, 2 is divided by 842, 3 is divided by 843, 4 is divided by 844, 5 is divided by 845, 6 is divided by 846, 7 is divided by 847, 8 is divided by 848, which is just full Therefore, the smallest of the eight three digits is 841

When mathematics comes to the fourth power, how to use the calculator to calculate the fifth power? We should keep four decimal places, such as the fourth root of 11
The results showed that the root of the fourth power of 11, the fifth power of - 10.34, the sixth power of 17 to 3, the fifth power of (- 0.1), and the fifth power of - 1.567 * 10

Use the calculator on the computer, and then click "science"
Enter 11, click in the box before inv, press X ^ y, then enter 4, click=
11 = 1. 821160286837871898446643212838
-34 = - 1. 595835309141848610759306090549
Root 6 of 17 to 3 = 0.74893717619048899248853442272164
1) = 0. 15848931924611134852021013733915
-567 * 10 = 1.733859088600825709951268611756

I shall see you tomorrow.I can understant you.I must write a letter.I may come next week.
He is the subject of the sentence

He will see you tomorrow.
He can understant you.
He must write a letter.
He may come next week.

The distance from the intersection point a of the straight line y = KX + B and X axis to the origin is equal to 3, and the intersection point B (0, - 1) of the straight line y = KX + B and Y axis is obtained

The distance from the intersection a of the line y = KX + B and X axis to the origin is equal to 3
Ψ x = 3 or x = - 3
Substituting x = 3, y = 0, x = 0, y = - 1 into y = KX + B
We get {0 = 3K + B}
The analytic formula is y = 1 / 3x-1
Substituting x = - 3, y = 0, x = 0, y = - 1 into y = KX + B
We get {0 = - 3K + B}
The analytic expression is y = - 1 / 3x-1

A father made a will on his deathbed: the first son got 100 yuan and one tenth of the remaining property, the second son got 200 yuan and one tenth of the remaining property, and the third son got 300 yuan and one tenth of the remaining property. By analogy, it was found that all the children got exactly the same amount of property. How much property does the father have? How many children does he have? How much property does each child get?

Because each son has the same number of points, let each son have X Yuan, and the father has a total of Z yuan. According to the meaning of the question, we can get the equation system: x = 100 + Z − 10010x ∧ 200 + Z − x − 20010. From the above formula, we can get 100 + Z − 10010 = 200 + Z − x − 20010, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 1000 + z-100 = 2000 + z-x-200, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;                    900+z=1800+z-x,                         X = 900, substituting x = 900 into the first equation in the system of equations, we can get z = 8100, so the father has sons: 8100 △ 900 = 9 (pieces). A: the father has a total of 8100 yuan of property, and has nine sons, and each son gets 900 yuan

What are the Mathematical Olympiad problems in grade five of primary school?

It is known that a, B and C can plant 24, 30 and 32 trees each day. A plants trees in a, C plants trees in B, B plants trees in a, B plants trees in a, B plants trees in a, B plants trees in B, B plants trees in a, B plants trees in B