A simple algorithm of 80.3-33.3 × 0.5 △ 0.37

A simple algorithm of 80.3-33.3 × 0.5 △ 0.37

=80.3-33.3÷0.37 ×0.5

Xinhua Bookstore bought a batch of new books. It sold half of the total in the first week, 250 in the second week, and half of the first two weeks in the third week, with 350 left
How many books have you bought?

1-half-quarter = 250 + 350 + 125
Quarter = 725
725 △ quarter = 2900 copies

Huajia refers to 60 years old, and the rare refers to 70 years old. What are the names of one year old, ten years old, twenty years old, thirty years old, forty years old, fifty years old and so on?

At the age of 30, he became a powerful official. At the age of 40, he served as an official. At the age of 50, he was in Zhangxiang. At the age of 60, he was in Zhangguo. At the age of 70, he was in Zhangchao. At the age of 80, he was in Fangchi. Chubby back. Frozen pear. Yellow hair. At the age of 90
The year of breaking the melon. The beginning of the word division. The age of Jasper. Woman 16 years old, the year of Fengxin. The year of Huaxin. 24 years old
In Chinese traditional medical literature, there are records about "Tiannian" (the natural life of human beings), such as the Huangdi's Su Wen. On ancient innocence, which says: "to spend one hundred years as long as one's Tiannian is used"; Lingshu Jing. Tiannian mentions three times that one's Tiannian is "one hundred years", It is also said that "people die at the age of 100". Another example is that the book of history Hong Fan takes the age of 100-20 as the life span - the natural age of people is estimated to be between 100 and 120, which is roughly consistent with the calculation of modern science, indicating that the natural life span of human beings can live to more than 100 years
However, genetic factors, natural environment, culture and education, natural and man-made disasters, diseases, accidents, and personal life styles and habits often make people feel regretful. Therefore, the general birthday congratulation is usually expressed as a firm wish. For the popular people, such as "longevity is better than Nanshan", "longevity is better than Songling", "the sun and the moon are brighter", "happiness is as good as the East China Sea", etc, Some symbolic expressions of longevity in social occasions are more metaphorical!
"Xi Shou" refers to seventy-seven years old: the cursive character "Xi" looks like seventy-seven, so it refers to seventy-seven years old. "Mi Shou" refers to eighty-eight years old, so it refers to eighty-eight years old. "Bai Shou" refers to ninety-nine years old, one hundred minus one, and "Bai" refers to ninety-nine years old, The rest can be divided into 88, and the sum of the two is 108
In addition, "60 years old" can be said to be the age of ear Shun, the age of return, and the age of flower Jia; "70 years old" can also be called the age of the rare, the age of suspension, and the age of the state of Zhang; the age of chaozhang and the age of octogenarians refer to "80 or 90 years old"; the age of Qiyi is "100 years old"
Shi - refers to the age of just changing teeth, about seven or eight years old
15 years old (male)
And hairpin year --- 15 years old (female)
Twenty eight years --- sixteen years old
The year of Huaxin --- 24 years old
Heyday of spring and autumn --- prime of life
Thirty years old
Forty years old
The age of life --- fifty
Sixty years old
Sixty years old
The year of suspension --- the year of retirement
From the heart of the year --- 70 years old
Seventy years old
Seventy to eighty years old

What's 2 out of 7 minus 2 out of 7 times 5 out of 6

1 / 21

Under the teacher's education, I corrected my learning attitude and purpose

In the teacher's education, I correct the learning attitude

What is the calculation method of leap year? Are 1900 and 2300 leap years?

① (for example, 2004 is a leap year, but 1901 is not a leap year). 2. Century year can be divided by 400 is a leap year. (for example, 2000 is a leap year, but 1900 is not a leap year). 3. For a year with a large number, if 3200 can be divided in this year, and

1 divided by 3 equals 0.3333333... But 0.3333333... Multiplied by 1 equals 0.99999... Excuse me?

0.999999…… =x
Multiply both sides by 10
10x=9+0.999999…… =9+x

Xiaoming and Xiaogang are 28 kilometers apart. They agreed to meet and set out at the same time. Xiaoming's speed is 8 kilometers per hour and Xiaogang's speed is 6 kilometers per hour
After 30 minutes, Xiao Ming's father found that Xiao Ming had nothing to take with him, so he chased him at the speed of 10 kilometers per hour. When Xiao Ming and Xiao Gang met, did his father catch up with Xiao Ming? How fast did he want to catch up with Xiao Ming at least? (solve the equation)

Meeting time = 28 (6 + 8) = 2 hours
Xiaoming passes by = 2 × 8 = 16 km
Dad's distance = (2-0.5) × 10 = 15 km
I didn't catch up
Minimum speed = 16 ÷ (2-0.5) = 32 / 3 km / h

English translation
There are English texts, to be Chinese translation. Speed, good translation can also add points

Unit 16
Four stage planning method
Urban transportation planning requires not only to provide conditions for the safe and efficient flow of people and goods, but also the planning of transportation facilities and the effect on the public feedback to be served
Identifying goals and understanding the solutions people feed back to them can be difficult. One way to connect public opinion with the planner's technical process is to establish a set of interrelated general to specific guidelines. A hierarchy of values, goals, goals, guidelines and standards has been formed
(1) Values are the most basic driving force of human behavior. They include the desire for survival, the need for belonging, the demand for order and the demand for security
(2) The purpose of the regulation is to achieve a certain goal, such as the maximization of environmental value. Although the extent to which they achieve the goal may not be specified, they can be put forward. For example, equal opportunity is a goal based on security and belonging value
(3) The goal should be concrete, feasible and measurable. Related to the goal of equal opportunities, the purpose of transportation is to make all citizens equally bear the cost of public transportation, no matter where they are in the city
(4) Criteria are measures or tests to measure the achievement of goals. For example, the ratio of transit fees to personal income can reflect whether the above-mentioned standard of equal transportation cost has been met
(5) The implementation level of standard establishment must be able to be met or exceeded. Then, in the previous example, setting transit service every quarter mile in each residential area will become a standard
In order to solve and study the relationship between land use and travel, the typical practice only follows four steps: Travel generation, travel distribution, mode division and traffic allocation
Trip generation
In most urban studies, trip generation uses statistical procedures to obtain trip rates, such as the number of trips per household, to establish mathematical relationships between trips in survey reports and household characteristics and other land use types, Travel generation is expressed as the satisfaction of car owners per 1000 feet of open space. Even more simply, the travel rate obtained from travel generation or other data can be applied to the land use database
Travel distribution
The early steps of trip generation produce a representative table about trip generation or trip attraction in small areas. The trip distribution links the trip starting point to the destination to get the general situation of the trip network. There are many kinds of models, including freight model, non-equilibrium model and gravity model, And the distribution of each category will be determined separately. The categories may include:
(1) Family based work visits, shopping, social entertainment, school and other purposes
(2) Non family travel (i.e. home is neither the beginning nor the end)
(3) Car travel
(4) Taxi travel
Firstly, the performance of the model should be verified by the road network and traffic assignment technology to see whether the mode of origin and destination and the road network load generated by the model are consistent with the situation obtained from the travel survey and the actual distribution to the road network. Once the calibration is completed, the model will be developed into a travel mode predicted based on the annual data of target planning
Mode Division
The steps of trip generation and trip distribution may or may not be related to the problem of converting free trips to car trips or transit trips. The choice of mode is crucial. There are many procedures to determine whether the mode division is before or after the steps of trip distribution, But it is being replaced by technologies that are highly dependent on traveler or household characteristics
Traffic distribution
In the fourth step, the results obtained from the previous steps are transformed into a clear transportation network. The profiles from the trip distribution step are transferred from the district level "loading nodes" to the network. Then they are assigned to the routes of the shortest time routes of the sub district destinations determined by the trip distribution. If the traffic flow of some routes is too large due to the result of the traffic assignment, they will be assigned to the routes of the shortest time routes of the sub district destinations determined by the trip distribution, When these processes are completed, these results can be used to generate road load statistics or draw graphs. According to the available additional results, other results, such as road area ratio, can be used to calculate road load, Vehicle miles, vehicle hours and the matrix of O-D statistic table obtained by using the selected route may also be generated. Similar products can also be applied to the individual trips assigned to the transportation network
Unit 17
Road capacity
Service level and capacity
The main goal of road capacity analysis is to evaluate the maximum flow of pedestrians or vehicles that a given road facility can accommodate in a certain period of time under the condition of ensuring reasonable safety. However, because it is difficult for road facilities to reach or approach the capacity under normal circumstances, few people evaluate it in this field, Capacity analysis also provides a method to estimate the maximum traffic volume that a facility can adapt to under the condition of ensuring the specified operation quality
Therefore, capacity analysis is a set of procedures for estimating the traffic carrying capacity of road facilities within a specific operating condition. It provides a method for the analysis of existing facilities, the planning and design of improved facilities or future facilities
The definition of operation standard is determined by introducing the concept of service level, and the regulation of operation state range is to determine various types of facilities, and it is related to the traffic volume that can be borne at different levels
Ideal condition
In this guide, many procedures provide formulas or diagrams for a set of specified standards. This must be adjusted to explain any general condition, rather than to match those specified conditions. These defined conditions are commonly referred to as ideal conditions
In principle, the ideal condition refers to the condition that can not improve the traffic capacity of the facilities no matter how much improvement is made. The ideal condition assumes that the weather is good, the road condition is good, the road users can use the road facilities skillfully and there is no traffic accident hindering the traffic flow. The detailed ideal condition is clearly defined in each chapter, An example of ideal condition is given below
The ideal conditions for non interrupted facilities include: lane width