Example 4. Given the set a = {y | Y2 - (A2 + A + 1) y + a (A2 + 1) > 0}, B = {y | y = 12x2 − x + 52, 0 ≤ x ≤ 3}, if a ∩ B = empty set, find the value range of real number a

Example 4. Given the set a = {y | Y2 - (A2 + A + 1) y + a (A2 + 1) > 0}, B = {y | y = 12x2 − x + 52, 0 ≤ x ≤ 3}, if a ∩ B = empty set, find the value range of real number a

∵ B = {y | y = 12x2 − x + 52, 0 ≤ x ≤ 3}, ∵ y = 12x2-x + 52 = 12 (x-1) 2 + 2, ∵ 0 ≤ x ≤ 3, ∵ 2 ≤ y ≤ 4, that is, B = [2,4] ∵ a = {y | Y2 - (A2 + A + 1) y + a (A2 + 1) > 0} ∩ y | y (Y-A) [y - (A2 + 1)] > 0}, and A2 + 1 > a ∩ a = {y ∩ a}, ∩ B =}

How to divide 2 / 3 and 7 / 8

If you have any new questions, please don't send them in the form of follow-up questions, send them to me for help or send them to the question link address,

A kind of peanut, nine tenths of a ton of peanut can squeeze three fifths of oil, then seven eighths of a ton of peanut can fry how many tons?

Oil = 7 / 8 △ 9 / 10 × 3 / 5 = 7 / 12 tons

A = {X / x = 2K, X belongs to Z}, B = {X / x = 3k, X belongs to Z}, C = {X / x = 6K, X belongs to Z}?

A ∪ B = {X / x = 2K, X belongs to Z}, a ∩ B = {X / x = 6K, X belongs to Z}, a ∩ C = {X / x = 6K, X belongs to Z}

What is 25 out of 17 minus 11 out of 34

39 out of 34 expected to adopt

1 + one plus one half + one plus two plus one third + one plus two plus three +. One hundred is easy to calculate!

The answer is 200 / 101
1+2+3+… n= (n+1)*n/2
1/(1+2+3+… n)=2/(n+1)*n
1+1/(1+2)+ 1/(1+2+3)+...+ 1/(1+2+3+… 100)
=2/(1+1)*1 +2/(2+1)*2 +2/(3+1)*3...+ 2/(100+1)*100
=2/2*1 +2/3*2 +2/4*3...+ 2/101*100
=2{1/2*1 +1/3*2 +1/4*3...+1/101*100}
=2[(1/1-1/2)+ (1/2-1/3)+ (1/3-1/4)+.+ (1/100-1/101)]

33/22=()/66=66/() ()/4=36/16=72/() 7/()=14/()=35/15 14/6=()/2=4/()
Another question is 9 / 5 = 18 / () = () / 15

I don't know if the fourth question is wrong. If not, that's it

Decomposition factor: X (X-Y) (X & # 178; - xy-y & # 178;) - X & # 178; Y (Y-X)


What's the product of 9 / 10 divided by 3 / 5 minus 1 / 6 and multiplying the difference by 3 / 4?


Use 120 meters of iron wire to make a cuboid frame. The ratio of length, width and height is 3:2:1. What are the length, width and height of the cuboid?

The sum of length, width and height of a cuboid: 120 △ 4 = 30 (CM), total number of parts: 3 + 2 + 1 = 6 (CM), length: 30 × 36 = 15 (CM), width: 30 × 26 = 10 (CM), height: 30 × 16 = 5 (CM). A: the length, width and height of this cuboid are 15 cm, 10 cm and 5 cm respectively