Turn 36 degrees, 22 minutes, 48 seconds into degrees How to do it

Turn 36 degrees, 22 minutes, 48 seconds into degrees How to do it

48 / 60 = 0.8 points
22.8 / 60 = 0.38o
36 degrees, 22 minutes, 48 seconds, 36. 38 degrees

The temperatures measured at 6:00, 12:00, 18:00 and 24:00 are 12 degrees, 16 degrees, 15 degrees and 10 degrees respectively. What is the average temperature on that day

Average temperature = (12 + 16 + 15 + 10) △ 4 = 13.25 ℃
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Find LIM (x → 0) (1 + 2x) ^ 1 / SiNx,
Advanced experts, please come in

Answer: e ^ 2,

1998 * 1998 * 1998.2000 what is the remainder of the product of 1998 multiplication divided by 7?

It is equivalent to finding the remainder of 3 to the power of 2000 divided by 7
It can be done in cycles
3, divided by the remainder of 7, is:
3,2,6,4,5,1 cycles, 6 cycles per week
The remainder of 7 is the second number in the cycle, which is 2

Calculate 13 out of 7 × 13 out of 8 + 1 out of 7 / 8 out of 3


Solving differential equation y "+ y '= x ^ 2

E ^ x (y '' + y ') = x ^ 2E ^ x (y'e ^ x)' = x ^ 2E ^ x two side integral: y'e ^ x = ∫ x ^ 2E ^ xdx = x ^ 2E ^ X - ∫ e ^ x * 2xdx = x ^ 2E ^ x-2xe ^ x + 2 ∫ e ^ xdx = x ^ 2E ^ x-2xe ^ x + 2E ^ x + C1, that is y '= x ^ 2-2x + 2 + C1E ^ (- x) two side integral: y = x ^ 3 / 3-x ^ 2 + 2x + C1E ^ (- x) + C2

Given the function y = - X & # 178; - 2aX (0 ≤ x ≤ 1), and Y max = A & # 178;, what's the use of the condition in solving the value range of real number a?
Given the function y = - X & # 178; - 2aX (0 ≤ x ≤ 1), and Y max = A & # 178;, find the value range of real number a
What's the use of the maximum value of Y given in this question = A & # 178?
Can't we calculate the value range of a directly according to the symmetry axis X = - a?

You make a change to the original function and write it as y = - (x + a) ^ 2 + A ^ 2
You can see that the height of the vertex of this parabola is a ^ 2,
This shows that the vertex of the whole parabola is in the current definition interval of the interval function
So the abscissa of vertex - A is in the interval, that is, 0 ≤ (- a) ≤ 1
So - 1 ≤ a ≤ 0

9100 divided by 280 =? Vertical calculation and checking


Find the limit, [(1 + xsinx) ^ 0.5 - 1) / (e ^ x ^ 2 - 1) the limit when x approaches 0

When x → 0,
∵(1+x)^m = 1 + x + ο(x)
∴√(1+xsinx) - 1 xsinx
∵e^x -1~x
∴e^(x²) - 1 x²
The original formula = Lim xsinx / X & # 178;
=lim sinx / x = 1

4 (7x-5) = 5 / 8 6 (2x-1) = 8 (5x + 1)
