Given that the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is 24, the length of one right triangle is 16, find the length of the other right triangle

Given that the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is 24, the length of one right triangle is 16, find the length of the other right triangle

Using Pythagorean theorem
Length of the other right angle = √ (24 & # 178; - 16 & # 178;)
Answer: the length of the other right angle is 8 times that of the root sign 5

If the two right sides of a right triangle are 7 and 24 respectively, the length of the middle line on the hypotenuse is______ .

∵ the two right sides of a right triangle are 7 and 24 respectively ∵ the length of the oblique side of the right triangle is 72 + 242 = 25 ∵ the length of the middle line on the oblique side is 12.5

Ask ten Mathematical Olympiad questions and answers (primary school fifth grade) urgent!

Xiaomin went to buy food and spent five yuan. How many items did he buy with unit prices of 0.5 yuan, 1.2 yuan and 0.8 yuan?

The solution formula of the application problem of the first degree equation of one variable in elementary school
They are the labor supporting circular running project, the angle between minutes and clock, and other if you can help me to add up
If there is no formula

A middle school organizes a spring outing for seventh grade students. If it rents a 45 seat bus, 15 people have no seats. If it rents the same number of 60 seat buses, except for one more, the rest of the buses are just full. It is known that the daily rent of 45 seat buses is 250 yuan per car, and that of 60 seat buses is 300 yuan per car?

How many hectares is 1800 meters?

A hectare is a unit of area. A hectare is a square kilometer
And meters are units of length
There is no conversion between them

On the travel of solving application problems of the first series equations
Party A and Party B start from a and B at the same time and walk towards each other. One hour later, they are 36 kilometers apart. After meeting each other, they continue to walk. When they walk for three hours, they are 36 kilometers apart again. Find the distance between a and B
First order equation solution first order equation solution first order equation solution first order equation solution first order equation solution first order equation solution first order equation solution

Let the velocity X of a and the velocity y of B be the distance s
1 x+36+y=s
2 3x-(s-3y)=36

Simple algorithm of 11 times 11 times 11 minus 11 times 11


If the arithmetic square root of a natural number is x, then the cube root of its next natural number is X______ .

The cube root of its next natural number is 3x2 + 1, so the answer is 3x2 + 1

Mathematics midterm paper of the second semester of junior high school (PEP)

Look at your previous papers and exercise books, cover the answers and do them again
Mathematics, nothing difficult, is to remember the formula, know how to use, on the line
I advise you to remember the number of Pythagorean to save time
Finish the paper to check, I just finish the paper to check again, and then go to sleep
I wish you success in the exam, 5.1 good review it, we work together, strive to rely on a good result!

9: What's 27 equal to nine
