How to solve the equation 2x-72 = 16

How to solve the equation 2x-72 = 16

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The solution equation is 1.2x-10 = X


Solution equation: 6 times (2x-7) = 5 times (x + 8) - 5


When 1 ≤ x ≤ 3, y = x & # 178; - ax + 4 ﹥ 0 is constant, and the value range of a is obtained

In the first and third cases, the parabola is monotonic when 1 ≤ x ≤ 3, In the second case, the minimum value can be made greater than 0 at the symmetry axis. The range of ah can be obtained. The union of these three cases is the answer

Determining the sign of the value of 5x & # - 6x + 10 by matching method

The formula is equal to 5 (X-6 / 10) & 178; + 41 / 5
∴5(x-6/10)²+41/5 >0

ABCD times 0.9 equals DCBA ABCD times 0.9 equals DCBA

It's 1089
If B = 1, then C = 0 (because the four digits are less than 1112), then ABCD = 1109, which is not suitable for the topic. If B = 0, then c * 9 =? 2, then C = 8, which is suitable for the topic

There is an intersection point between the image of the first-order function y = 3x + B and the image of the inverse scale function y = 3-B / x, and the coordinates are (a, 6)

The analytic expressions of these two functions are as follows

A cuboid wood block is 7 cm long, 4 cm wide and 6 cm high. Cut it into a cylinder with the largest volume. The volume of the cylinder is______ Cubic centimeter

: (1) take 6cm as bottom diameter, 4cm as height; 3.14 × (62) 2 × 4, = 3.14 × 9 × 4, = 113.04 (cubic centimeter); (2) take 4cm as bottom diameter, 7cm as height; 3.14 × (42) 2 × 7, = 3.14 × 4 × 7, = 87.92 (cubic centimeter); (3) take 4cm as bottom diameter, 6cm as height, 3.14 × (42) 2 × 6, = 3.14 × 4 × 6, = 75.36 (cubic centimeter); answer: This is the best The volume of a large cylinder is 113.04 cubic centimeters

Skillfully calculate 24:5,9,11,13


Finding the area in polar coordinates
The known equation is: r = 2cos2 θ| - π < θ≤ π
This equation is composed of several rings. Find the total area surrounded by these rings

R = 2cos2 θ is exactly the same as R = 2cos2 θ, which is a four leaf rose line. [think about. Why?] the total area enclosed by the ring = (1 / 2) × π × 2 & # 178; = 2 π, [this formula is also. Mathematical manual P59] can also directly integrate s = 8 × (1 / 2) ∫ [0. π / 4] (R & # 178;) d θ = 16 ∫ [0, π / 4] cos