If three bivariate linear equations 3x-y = 7,2x + 3Y = 1 and y = KX have a common solution, then the value of K is--

If three bivariate linear equations 3x-y = 7,2x + 3Y = 1 and y = KX have a common solution, then the value of K is--

The results are as follows
x=2 y=-1

X = 3 is the solution of the following equation () a 2x + 9 = 15 B 3x = 4.5 c18.8 △ x = 4 d 3x △ 2 = 18




What are the plants that propagate with roots, stems and leaves?
Give 10 examples each
Make it clear what kind of breeding plant it is!

Rice is not! Sunflower seems not! There are sweet potato, potato, Narcissus, garlic

How to solve 2.5A + 4 = 2.8a-8


What are the main steps in drawing a plan? What should we pay attention to

First, draw the edges of the face you can see with solid lines; then, draw the edges of the face you can't see with dotted lines
Pay attention to the angle of the object to show the three-dimensional sense of the object

I cheer for myself, the beginning and the end of the composition, quick

At the beginning: "ha ha, great! I succeeded this time." eh? Who is cheering? Ha ha, I am cheering for my success. At the end: on the road of life, if you succeed, you should cheer for yourself

Given that the square of a plus the square of B equals 10 1 minus B equals minus 2012, what is the sum of minus 1 plus the square of a plus the square of B plus B

Original title: if a & # 178; + B & # 178; = 10,1-b = - 2012, then - 1 + A & # 178; + B + B & # 178=_______
Substituting a & # 178; + B & # 178; = 10 into, - 1 + A & # 178; + B + B & # 178; to get
From 1-B = - 2012, B = 2013
Substituting B = 2013, - 1 + B + 10 leads to

If a 24 cm long iron wire is used to form a right triangle with 10 cm long hypotenuse, the lengths of the two right angles are______ .

Let a right angle side length be xcm. According to Pythagorean theorem, we get the solution of (14-x) 2 + x2 = 102, X1 = 6, X2 = 8. Answer: the two right angles side lengths are 6cm and 8cm respectively

An isosceles triangle is an axisymmetric figure______ The line is its axis of symmetry. There is an angle______ An isosceles triangle is an equilateral triangle, and an equilateral triangle has two sides______ There is an axis of symmetry

An isosceles triangle is an axisymmetric figure. The line with the height on the bottom is its axis of symmetry. An isosceles triangle with an angle of 60 ° is an isosceles triangle. An isosceles triangle has three axes of symmetry